FI Evening Grain Comments 06/17/21

FI Evening Grain Comments 06/17/21

PDF Attached   Today was not an ordinary day at the office.  CBOT agriculture markets tanked, especially in the soybean complex where limits were expanded.  Soybean oil and corn ended limit lower. Today we may have seen some margin problems for some...
FI Morning Grain Comments 06/17/21

FI Morning Grain Comments 06/17/21

PDF attached   Good morning.     WASHINGTON, June 17, 2021—Private exporters reported to the U.S. Department of Agriculture export sales of 135,000 metric tons of soybean cake and meal for delivery to the Philippines during the 2020/2021 marketing year....
FI Weekly USDA Export Sales Snapshot 06/17/21

FI Weekly USDA Export Sales Snapshot 06/17/21

PDF attached   USDA Export Sales USDA export sales were on the low side for many of the major commodities, but good meal shipments may provide a positive undertone for that commodity coupled by unwinding of oil/meal spreads.  Soybean sales were only 65,300...
FI US Ethanol Snapshot 06/16/21

FI US Ethanol Snapshot 06/16/21

PDF attached   Weekly US ethanol production as of June 11 dropped a much more than expected 42,000 barrels per day from the previous week (a Bloomberg poll looked for only 4,000 barrels) to 1.025 million and stocks increased 642,000 barrels (poll was +189,000...
FI Morning Grain Comments 06/16/21

FI Morning Grain Comments 06/16/21

PDF attached   Good morning.   Soybean oil in on the defensive again creating a negative undertone for soybeans.  Meal is higher. US corn futures are catching a bid in the nearby contracts on Brazil opening doors to US GMO corn imports (reported by...