Daily Market Report – July 02, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 02, 2021

Yesterday the EIA posted a bearish storage report that showed 76 Bcf being injected across the lower 48. This was much higher than market expectations. Out of the past 4 storage reports, only last week’s report of +55 was tight while the other 3 showed a weather...
Daily Market Report – July 01, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 01, 2021

Late yesterday, TCO sent out a critical notice at 2:34pm noting an operational event affecting two processing plants, Sherwood and Mobley. The result of the outage was 2 Bcf/d of production being shut-in. The current outage event is estimated to last until end of day...
Daily Market Report – June 30, 2021

Daily Market Report – June 30, 2021

Natural gas prices exploded yesterday to levels not seen in years. As prices move higher, C2G is not unwinding as quickly as expected. This is from Criterion Research showing the gas generation’s share of total thermal generation. As seen, gas gen continues to remain...
Daily Market Report – June 29, 2021

Daily Market Report – June 29, 2021

The market is higher this morning, but we do not see a fundamental change triggering this move. Both weather models are showing slight more heat in the 6-10 day range vs yesterday’s 12z run. The additional heat is in the Pacific and Mountain regions, whiles other gas...
Daily Market Report – June 28, 2021

Daily Market Report – June 28, 2021

Today’s 00z weather runs came showed a bit drop in the heat pattern for the 6-10 day period. Both the GFS Ensemble and Euro Ensemble lost PWCDDs around the long weekend.       The Euro Ensemble is overall significantly cooler. It now moves closer to the...