Daily Market Report – June 10, 2021

Daily Market Report – June 10, 2021

For today’s storage report our final projection is +98 Bcf. (S/D @ +98, Scrape @ +98) The current Bloomberg survey is +99 and Bloomberg whisper is +97 (the whisper is the average of the 17 top analysts). Here are the current ICE storage future...
Daily Market Report – June 09, 2021

Daily Market Report – June 09, 2021

The GFS Ensemble and Euro Ensemble once again showed some additional heat in the overnight runs. Both model show similar trends that take temps well above the 10Y normal for the 15D forecast window. The current weather outlook could set up June to be one of the top 5...
Daily Market Report – June 08, 2021

Daily Market Report – June 08, 2021

The GFS Ensemble and Euro Ensemble both showed some additional heat in the overnight runs (Daily change in CDDS seen below). The big changes show up after GD15 which now take the current forecast above the 10Y normal.     Today’s Fundamentals Daily US...
Daily Market Report – June 07, 2021

Daily Market Report – June 07, 2021

Today’s Fundamentals Daily US natural gas production is estimated to be  91.5 Bcf/d this morning. Today’s estimated production is -0.56 Bcf/d to yesterday, and -0.6 Bcf/d to the 7D average. Natural gas consumption is modelled to be 70.1 Bcf today, ...
Weekend Market Report – June 06, 2021

Weekend Market Report – June 06, 2021

The EIA reported the March monthly supply and demand data last Friday before the long weekend, which now gives us a complete view of how the winter performed vs prior years. In today’s report, we take a view of how winter looked versus past years. This was a...