Daily Market Report – June 04, 2021

Daily Market Report – June 04, 2021

Yesterday the EIA reported a +98 Bcf storage injection for the week ending May 28. The number came in slightly above market consensus, and close to our estimate of +100. This report once again supports loosening conditions. The summer started off with daily...
Daily Market Report – June 03, 2021

Daily Market Report – June 03, 2021

For today’s storage report our final projection is +100 Bcf. (S/D @ +100, Scrape @ +95.4) The current Bloomberg survey is +95 and Bloomberg whisper is +97 (the whisper is the average of the 17 top analysts). Here are the current ICE storage...

Daily Market Report – June 02, 2021

Sabine Pass’ flows dropped slight this morning take total LNG feedgas levels to 10.9 Bcf/d. The drop primarily occurred via their TETCO interconnect on Creole Trail. TETCO is currently being required by the Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration...
Daily Market Report – June 01, 2021

Daily Market Report – June 01, 2021

This long weekend runs warmed significantly compared to Friday, especially in the 6-10 day period. The Midwest and Northeast regions warmed the most for those timeframes leading to a big shift in overall power demand estimates. This translated into prices opening up...
Weekend Market Report – May 30, 2021

Weekend Market Report – May 30, 2021

Fundamentals for the week ending May 28: This past week the EIA reported a +115 Bcf storage injection for the week ending May 21st. This past week’s injection was well above the market consensus, and even our estimate of +111. This report once again...