Daily Market Report – February 03, 2021

Daily Market Report – February 03, 2021

The 00z weather runs warmed up over night in comparison to yesterday’s 12z run. The biggest change was in the Euro Ensemble 11-15 day period which lost 12 GWHDDs.     The two models are not aligned, but show a very similar trend. The Euro Ensemble shows 43...
Daily Market Report – February 08, 2021

Daily Market Report – February 08, 2021

This morning’s runs compared to Friday’s 12z were mixed. The GFS Ensemble overall gain 9 GWHDDs with the front end warming further, and the backend showing more signs of cool temps. The Euro Ensemble was bearish with a loss of 9 GWHDDs all in the 1-5 day periods....
Weekend Marker Report – February 07, 2021

Weekend Marker Report – February 07, 2021

This week was probably one of the most interesting of the winter season. We saw massive swings in price as weather runs flipped from the previous week’s mild February outlook. I wanted to start with this table so you did not miss it, as it includes today’s 00z...
Daily Market Report – February 05, 2021

Daily Market Report – February 05, 2021

With another round of cooler 00z model runs, the market surpassed the $3 overnight. The GFS Ensemble added 24 HDDs in the back half of the 15 day forecast window, while the Euro Ensemble added 28 all mainly in the 6-10 day window. A lot of these changes were already...