Daily Market Report – February 04, 2021

Daily Market Report – February 04, 2021

For today’s report we are expecting -199 Bcf draw. The market expectations are between all over the place with a range of -216 to -182. The current Bloomberg Whisper sits at -137. Here are the current ICE storage future settles as of Feb 3rd. Week Ending Jan 29 is...
Daily Market Report – February 03, 2021

Daily Market Report – February 03, 2021

The changes in weather have been wild this week so far. Today’s 00z run was more tame with the GFS Ensemble adding a total of 5.5 HDDs mainly across the 6-10 day period, and the Euro Ensemble taking away 7 HDDs mainly on the front end of the forecast.    ...
Daily Market Report – February 02,  2021

Daily Market Report – February 02, 2021

Natural gas hit $3 this morning as overnight runs added a hefty load of HDDs to the back end of the forecast. In total the GFS Ensemble added 40 HDDs, while the Euro Ensemble added 25 HDDs.   Here is the break-out by EIA storage region. The Midwest and Mountain...
Daily Market Report – February 01, 2021

Daily Market Report – February 01, 2021

A big shift in weather this weekend has sent prompt month prices higher.  The Euro Ensemble showed massive changes particularly in the 6-10 day range. Below shows the 00z change vs Friday’s 12z runs, which added 24.2 to the L48 projection. The outlook for the...
Weekend Market Report – January 31, 2021

Weekend Market Report – January 31, 2021

This week we drop some slides in from a recent presentation from Enervus titled “THE HANGOVER – From ’20 to ’21”. The report goes through the current trends in oil and gas price and production. This is the Q1 2021 installment of the Enverus FundamentalEdge Series....