Daily Market Report – December 03, 2020

Daily Market Report – December 03, 2020

Today’s weather was once again bearish as the cold shot in mid-December did not show up in the overnight rights. Both the Euro and GFS Ensembles pointed to warming in the back end of the forecast. Yesterday, there was chatter of a major cold spell that could...
Daily Market Report – December 02, 2020

Daily Market Report – December 02, 2020

The GFS Ensemble and Euro Ensemble posted similar changes in their 00z runs overnight. Both models showed further warming in the 6-10 time frame, but a cool shot showing up in the 11-15 time frame.     Total deliveries to the LNG facilities looks to have set...
Daily Market Report – December 01, 2020

Daily Market Report – December 01, 2020

Both weather models posted some big changes overnight and looks like price has reacted lower. The latest 00z GFS Ensemble showed 9 fewer HDDs, while the Euro Ensemble showed 14 fewer HDDs. The biggest changes were in the 6-10 day range which now takes that timeframe...
Daily Market Report – November 30, 2020

Daily Market Report – November 30, 2020

Today’s 00z Euro Ensemble shows a cooling trend that have pushed the prompt month contract higher. In the 1-5 day period, both models point to weather hovering above the 10Y normal, after which weather seems to follow a seasonal pattern.     The current...