Weekend Market Report – November 15, 2020

Weekend Market Report – November 15, 2020

  This week we look at how exports are becoming a major component of the US natural gas S/D, despite fluctuating demand due to weather. This includes both LNG and piped, but we will focus on Mexican exports today.   Since 2016, Mexico has been expanding its...
Daily Market Report – November 13, 2020

Daily Market Report – November 13, 2020

This week’s storage report will be published at 10:30am EST. Our expectations is a -4 Bcf withdrawal.   LNG feedgas levels look to hit another record this morning. The total nominated flows are expected to be 10.78 Bcf/d. The average in November so far has been...
Daily Marker Report – November 12, 2020

Daily Marker Report – November 12, 2020

Models have shifted net cooler in past 24 hours, but mainly just to weaken the warm pattern rather than setting up any significantly colder shift. Troughing over Alaska is still a warm signal, but some North Atlantic height rises weaken Eastern warmth at times too....
Daily Marker Report – November 11, 2020

Daily Marker Report – November 11, 2020

Our storage estimate for tomorrow’s report stands at -4 Bcf. This looks to be a tricky report (with a wide range of estimates) as we transition from summer to winter. In addition to fluctuating demand, exports are becoming a major component of the US natural gas S/D....