Daily Market Report – October 2, 2020

Daily Market Report – October 2, 2020

Yesterday, the EIA reported a 76 Bcf injection which came in a couple of Bcf lower than market expectations. Total working gas in storage as of Sept 25th stood at 3,756 Bcf, 471 Bcf above year-ago levels and 405 Bcf above the five-year average. As storage containment...
Daily Market Report – October 1, 2020

Daily Market Report – October 1, 2020

US LNG facilities are back above the 7 Bcf/d of feedgas levels. This comes with Freeport taking record volumes. The current nameplate capacity of the 3 trains at Freeport is 1.8 Bcf/d, but the company has submitted an application to increase that with the FERC. The...

Daily Market Report – September 30, 2020

For week ending September 25th, we are estimating a storage build of 83 Bcf. The range for this week was quite wide entering the weekend especially with the two past reports showing wide variation from analyst estimates. This storage build would take total storage...