Daily Market Report – July 8, 2020

Daily Market Report – July 8, 2020

Daily balances are tight once again today with steep production losses continuing. Some production volumes that were lost due to the TCO forced majeure did show up on other pipelines yesterday – resulting in a total 0.6-0.7 Bcf/d being shut-in. Other regions that saw...
Daily Market Report – July 7, 2020

Daily Market Report – July 7, 2020

We saw a big drop in Northeast production. TCO issued a force majeure on its Mountaineer XPress line.  The Force Majeure brought production in the Northeast down by -2.1 Bcf/d.   This event primarily affected West Virginia production receipts where...
Daily Market Report – July 6, 2020

Daily Market Report – July 6, 2020

Power Burns eclipsed 40 Bcf/d last week on Thursday, and is expected to do so again today. With more heat on its way, we’re expecting burns to remain above 40 Bcf/d for most of July.       The current 15D forecast remains above the 10Y normal for most...
Weekend Market Report – July 5, 2020

Weekend Market Report – July 5, 2020

With the start of July we see a big drop in natural gas deliveries to LNG facilities. The average deliveries on July 1st dropped to 3.2 Bcf/d, or approximately 1/3 of total US export capacity. The LNG story has continuously evolved this year starting with a warmer...
Daily Market Report – July 1, 2020

Daily Market Report – July 1, 2020

Natural gas deliveries to LNG facilities dropped with the start July as global markets continue to push back on US LNG. The expected cancellation of 40-50 cargos – spread across Sabine, Corpus Christie and Freeport – has dropped LNG deliveries to 3.2 Bcf/d today....