Daily Market Report – Mar 04, 2022

Daily Market Report – Mar 04, 2022

The EIA reported a -139 Bcf withdrawal for the week ending Feb 25th, which came in line with estimates range. With the current report, the outright storage levels now sit at 1643 Bcf (-216 vs LY, -255 vs. 5Yr) For the reported week, the weather made a shift to cooler...
Daily Market Report – Mar 03, 2022

Daily Market Report – Mar 03, 2022

For today’s storage report our final projection is -141 Bcf (S/D -142, Flow -140). The last few weeks, the EIA report came more in line with our flow model, and therefore today we once again take an average of our two models as our final number. The current Bloomberg...
Daily Market Report – Mar 02, 2022

Daily Market Report – Mar 02, 2022

Weather runs were bearish over night with the GFS Ensemble losing 4 GWHDDS, and the Euro Ensemble losing 12.5 GWHDDs. Below is a regional breakdown which shows the Euro Ensemble getting warmer across almost every regions except the East.     Today’s...
Daily Market Report – Mar 01, 2022

Daily Market Report – Mar 01, 2022

Overnight weather was once again bearish. While the Euro Ensemble did not post any real big change, the GFS Ensemble showed fewer 6 fewer GWHDDs spread across the next week. With the latest forecast, both models are showing above normal temps to start the month after...
Daily Market Report – Feb 28, 2022

Daily Market Report – Feb 28, 2022

Weather runs were overall bearish from Friday’s 12Z run. The GFS Ensemble shifted the much warmer, specifically in the 1-5 day period, while the Euro Ensemble also showed the same warming over the next 10 days. The latest forecast shows the two major models very much...