Daily Market Report – Jan 24, 2022

Daily Market Report – Jan 24, 2022

Weather runs continue to trend warmer for the first week of Feb. Both the GFS Ensemble and Euro Ensemble lost HDDs to start next month, but the Euro Ensemble is warmer overall for the start of the next month.       Today’s Fundamentals Daily US natural...
Weekend Market Report – Jan 23, 2022

Weekend Market Report – Jan 23, 2022

This week we take a look at the output of the EIA’s monthly Drilling Productivity Report (DRP). Most shale plays are expected to have an increase in natural gas production in February. The Marcellus/Utica (Appalachia) is expected to, will see an increase of 81...
Daily Market Report – Jan 21, 2022

Daily Market Report – Jan 21, 2022

The EIA reported a -206 Bcf withdrawal for the week ending Jan 14th, which was slightly above market consensus. The shift in cooler weather to the Northeast led to double hit with loss of Appalachian production due to freeze-offs and rising demand from the rescomm...
Daily Market Report – Jan 20, 2022

Daily Market Report – Jan 20, 2022

For today’s storage report our final projection is -201 Bcf (S/D -201, Flow -204) The current Bloomberg survey is -197 and Bloomberg whisper is currently at -203 (the whisper is the average of the 17 top analysts). Here are the current ICE storage future settles...
Daily Market Report – Jan 19, 2022

Daily Market Report – Jan 19, 2022

Today’s 00z Euro Ensemble shifted to a cooler pattern, while the GFS Ensemble was relatively flat over the next 15 days.   The overall pattern indicates cooler than normal temps through the entire short-term forecast for all regions, but the Midwest &...