Daily Market Report – Dec 20, 2021

Daily Market Report – Dec 20, 2021

Weekend weather volatility continued today with the GFS Ensemble showing some big moves versus Friday’s 12Z. The Euro Ensemble was more muted in its change, but now the two models are better aligned. The GFS Ensemble lost 30+ HDDs with the holiday week now showing...
Weekend Market Report – Dec 19, 2021

Weekend Market Report – Dec 19, 2021

This weekend’s commentary starts with a seasonal update from Brian Lovern at Bespoke Weather for our clients. Please send any further questions/comments to brian@bespokeweather.com December has been quite the warm month, so far, with virtually the entire nation...
Daily Market Report – Dec 17, 2021

Daily Market Report – Dec 17, 2021

The EIA reported a -88 Bcf withdrawal for the week ending Dec 10th, which was mainly inline with market estimates. Most major vendors and surveys were calling for 88-92 Bcf. For next week’s report, the warm weather is indicating a low storage draw which should take...

Daily Market Report – Dec 16, 2021

For today’s storage report our final projection is -91 Bcf (S/D model at -91, Flow model at -88). The current Bloomberg survey is -88 and Bloomberg whisper is currently at -89 (the whisper is the average of the 17 top analysts). Here are the current ICE storage...
Daily Market Report – Dec 15, 2021

Daily Market Report – Dec 15, 2021

Both the GFS Ensemble and Euro Ensemble showed a similar changes at the national level this morning. The 24Hr change shows slight warming in the 6-10 day period, but more cool weather coming in at the tail end of the forecast. The chart below shows the day by day TDD...