Daily Market Report – Dec 14, 2021

Daily Market Report – Dec 14, 2021

There was a big change in the GFS Ensemble 00z run vs 24 hours ago. The GFS Ensemble warmed significantly in the 11-15 day period in the East half of the country, while the West (Mountain & West) cooled.   With the latest forecast, both the GFS Ensemble and...
Daily Market Report – Dec 13, 2021

Daily Market Report – Dec 13, 2021

The weekend weather shifts were mixed amongst the two major models. The GFS Ensemble showed some cooling in the 6-10 day, while the Euro Ensemble was essentially flat to Friday’s 12z run. The current outlook shows the 1-5 period much warmer than the 10Y, after which...
Weekend Market Report – Dec 12, 2021

Weekend Market Report – Dec 12, 2021

Weather has dominated the natgas headlines with Nov and Dec realizing to be warm at the national level. The following two weather maps put everything we need to know into perspective. Source: Maxar Weather, enelyst.com We had a hunch that weather would play a key role...
Daily Market Report – Dec 10, 2021

Daily Market Report – Dec 10, 2021

The EIA reported a +59 Bcf injection for the week ending Dec 3rd, which was repeat from last week. That does not happen to often. The regional storage estimates were quite different week-on-week, but the repeat at the national level was pure coincidence. The...

Daily Market Report – Dec 09, 2021

For today’s storage report our final projection is -53 Bcf. The current Bloomberg survey is -55 and Bloomberg whisper is currently at -57 (the whisper is the average of the 17 top analysts). Here are the current ICE storage future settles as of yesterday. Week 1...