Daily Market Report – Dec 08, 2021

Daily Market Report – Dec 08, 2021

Overnight weather changes saw warming in the 6-10 day period (with a good deal of that warming occurring in the South Central). With the latest forecast we see a big drop in demand coming Friday as temps are expected to drop well below the 10Y normal through the rest...
Daily Market Report – Dec 07, 2021

Daily Market Report – Dec 07, 2021

Weather runs continue to be volatile with the Euro Ensemble adding back some HDDs in today’s 10z run. The Mountain and Pacific regions showed cooling the back end of the forecast, while the East coast got slightly warmer. Overall, December continues to look to be one...
Daily Market Report – Dec 06, 2021

Daily Market Report – Dec 06, 2021

Another wild shift in weather now takes the December outlook to one of the warmest on record. Over the weekend both the GFS Ensemble and Euro Ensemble lost another 25 HDDs taking the 15 days forecast well below the 10Y normal. The futures markets opened much lower on...
Weekend Market Report – Dec 05, 2021

Weekend Market Report – Dec 05, 2021

This week we take a look at US LNG as it become an even more crucial energy supply source for some global destinations. Throughout the summer, European and Asian benchmarks have been trading at an immense premium to Henry Hub to attract every last cargo from sources...
Daily Market Report – Dec 03, 2021

Daily Market Report – Dec 03, 2021

The EIA reported a +59 Bcf injection for week ending Nov 12th, which was close to the market consensus. The range of estimates was quite tight despite the reporting period including the Thanksgiving holiday. The draw was quite strong relative to the same week in...