Daily Market Report – Sept 02, 2021

Daily Market Report – Sept 02, 2021

For today’s storage report our final projection is +23 Bcf  (S/D @ +23, Scrape @ +19) The current Bloomberg survey is +25 and Bloomberg whisper is currently at +21 (the whisper is the average of the 17 top analysts). Here are the current...
Daily Market Report – Aug 27, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 27, 2021

Yesterday, the EIA reported a +29 Bcf storage injection for week ending Aug 20, which was well below the market expectation of a 37-38 Bcf injection. Salt particularly had a massive draw of -15 Bcf, which was well beyond the 5yr average of -7 Bcf. Salt storage...

Daily Market Report – Aug 26, 2021

For today’s storage report our final projection is +45 Bcf  (S/D @ +45, Scrape @ +38) The current Bloomberg survey is +39 and Bloomberg whisper is currently at +40 (the whisper is the average of the 17 top analysts). Here are the current...
Daily Market Report – Aug 25, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 25, 2021

The heat this week is once again complemented by strong wind generation. Current wind generation levels are similar to that of week ending Aug 13. The EIA reported an implied storage injection of +42 Bcf during that week, which came in 5 Bcf above the market...
Daily Market Report – Aug 24, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 24, 2021

Pipeline nomination data shows a drop in Northeast production today. Planned maintenance on TGP, TCO Gas and other Appalachian pipes pushed back almost 1 Bcf/d of production. This should tighten balances up especially as we see the late-summer heat for the rest of the...