Daily Market Report – Aug 23, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 23, 2021

The change in weather from Friday shows temperatures well-above normal for the next week. The GFS Ensemble and Euro Ensemble both trended warmer over the weekend, which now takes the short-term outlook well above the 10Yr normal levels. This was the TDD change from...
Weekend Market Report – Aug 22, 2021

Weekend Market Report – Aug 22, 2021

Global gas and LNG markets saw considerable price volatility this week as falling flows on the Yamal pipeline initially sparked fears of greater-than-expect supply tightness in Europe. Flow declined earlier due to a fire that occurred on August 5th at the Gazprom Novy...
Daily Market Report – Aug 20, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 20, 2021

Yesterday the EIA reported a +46 Bcf storage injection (which included a +4 Bcf base gas to working gas reclassification) for week ending Aug 13. This report came in a couple of Bcf higher than market consensus. The slight bearish number pushed prices lower,...
Daily Market Report – Aug 19, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 19, 2021

For today’s storage report our final projection is +36 Bcf  (S/D @ +36, Scrape @ +37) The current Bloomberg survey is +30 and Bloomberg whisper is currently at +35 (the whisper is the average of the 17 top analysts). Here are the current...
Daily Market Report – Aug 18, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 18, 2021

Here is a look at the strong gas burns we continue to have relative to the past few years. As seen, the coal to gas switching dynamic took its own path this year despite natural gas prices moving higher in recent months. After $3.50 there doesn’t appear to be much...