Daily Market Report – Aug 17, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 17, 2021

Tropical Storm Grace is east of Jamaica, and the latest forecast from the NOAA shows its path is towards the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico by the end of this week. If this path holds there should be minimal impact to offshore production and LNG operations – hence...
Daily Market Report – Aug 16, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 16, 2021

The change in weather from Friday shows temperatures well-above normal for the 6-10 day period. The GFS Ensemble was the big mover that added 11+ CDDs, which now takes the GFS Ensemble outlook well above the 10Yr normal levels. This added heat in the South Central...
Weekend Market Report – Aug 15, 2021

Weekend Market Report – Aug 15, 2021

Fundamentals for the week ending Aug 13: This past week the EIA reported a +49 Bcf storage injection for week ending Aug 6. This report came in 2 Bcf above market consensus and 6 Bcf/d above our estimate. The big dip in weather during the week led to a 7% drop in...
Daily Market Report – Aug 13, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 13, 2021

Yesterday the EIA reported a +49 Bcf storage injection for week ending Aug 6. This report came in a couple of Bcf higher than market consensus. The slight bearish number pushed prices well below $4, and tod the trend continues lower. This storage number continues...
Daily Market Report – Aug 12, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 12, 2021

For today’s storage report our final projection is +43 Bcf  (S/D @ +43, Scrape @ +45) The current Bloomberg survey is +48 and Bloomberg whisper is currently at +45 (the whisper is the average of the 17 top analysts). Here are the current...