Daily Market Report – Aug 11, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 11, 2021

Global natgas prices continue to rise with every global region fighting for each flex cargo of LNG available. The strong Asian industrial demand (specifically China) come with new pipeline connectivity making gas more accessible while pushing out coal-fired gen. In...
Daily Market Report – Aug 10, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 10, 2021

US production has been quite stable since the start of summer. Daily production has hovered between 91-93 Bcf/d except for a few days when there were major forced majeures leading to production shut-ins.     Rigs have been growing but likely more focussed on...
Daily Market Report – Aug 09, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 09, 2021

Natural gas prices are lower this morning even as we enter a week that could be the hottest for this summer. The return of both wind and solar has helped dampen the nat gas power burn this weekend, and the renewables are expected to help throughout the week.  ...
Weekend Market Report – Aug 08, 2021

Weekend Market Report – Aug 08, 2021

With the start of August, we are now quickly ramping up to the peak of hurricane season. Maxar reported on enelyst that “The season got off to a fast start with 5 named storms, peaking with Hurricane Elsa in early July, the earliest “E” storm on...
Daily Market Report – Aug 06, 2021

Daily Market Report – Aug 06, 2021

Yesterday the EIA reported a +13 Bcf storage injection for week ending July 30. This report came in 5 Bcf below market consensus and 6 Bcf/d below above our estimate. It difficult to nail down the exact reason for this week’s miss by it’s likely related to the...