Daily Market Report – July 27, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 27, 2021

Today’s 00z model again cooled in the 6-10 day period. This drop follows this weekend’s material cooler forecast. Both models are now pointing to cooler than normal forecasts to start August. The 11-15 day period is still a bit tricky though. The GFS Ensemble...
Daily Market Report – July 26, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 26, 2021

We see a bearish move in weather over the weekend. The GFS Ensemble lost 11 TDDs and the Euro lost 5 TDDs from Friday 12Z run. Temps expected to hit a summer peak this week leading to the strongest power burns of the summer. This summer peak coincides with a big drop...
Weekend Market Report – July 25, 2021

Weekend Market Report – July 25, 2021

This weekend’s commentary comes from Brian Lovern at Bespoke Weather. Each month Brian Lovern will provide us with the latest medium-term outlook. After one of the hottest Junes in our recorded history, the month of July has come in cooler vs expectations, well...

Daily Market Report – July 23, 2021

The EIA reported an injection of 49 Bcf natural gas into storage for the week ended July 16. The report was bearish relative to analysts’ expectations and historic averages, and initially it did send natural gas prices lower. By late day we did see the August contract...
Daily Market Report – July 22, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 22, 2021

For today’s storage report our final projection is +44 Bcf  (S/D @ +44, Scrape @ +45) The current Bloomberg survey is +43 and Bloomberg whisper is currently at +43 (the whisper is the average of the 17 top analysts). Here are the current...