Daily Market Report – July 21, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 21, 2021

  Today’s Fundamentals: Daily US natural gas production is estimated to be  90.3 Bcf/d this morning. Today’s estimated production is -1.91 Bcf/d to yesterday, and -1.87 Bcf/d to the 7D average. Natural gas consumption is modelled to be 75 Bcf...
Daily Market Report – July 20, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 20, 2021

Both the GFS Ensemble and Euro Ensemble trended warmer overnight. The additional PWCDDs were particularly in the 6-10 day window. The GFS Ensemble has been showing warmer temps than observed for the past few week. The Euro Ensemble did show more warming overnight...
Daily Market Report – July 19, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 19, 2021

Today’s Fundamentals US dry production headed lower this weekend driven primarily by the Northeast region. Levels in the Northeast dropped below 32 Bcf/d based on today’s current nominations, but that will likely be restated higher. Total US natural gas production is...
Weekend Market Report – July 18, 2021

Weekend Market Report – July 18, 2021

This week we touch a bit on coal gen in the power stack. Last year, there was a big decline in US coal production with lower demand due to lower natural gas prices and less export demand with COVID. * US coal-fired generation fell 20% in 2020 from the previous year....
Daily Market Report – July 16, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 16, 2021

Yesterday the EIA reported a +55 Bcf (actually a +57 Bcf when you add up all the individual storage regions) storage injection for the week ending July 9nd. This report came in 6 Bcf above market consensus and 5 Bcf/d above our estimate. This report once again...