Daily Market Report – July 15, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 15, 2021

For today’s storage report our final projection is +50 Bcf  (S/D @ +50, Scrape @ +49) The current Bloomberg survey is +49 and Bloomberg whisper is currently at +49 (the whisper is the average of the 17 top analysts). Here are the current...
Daily Market Report – July 14, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 14, 2021

Total LNG feedgas levels are nominated to flow over 11 Bcf/d again today. This after Cameron nominations restated higher for yesterday, and posted higher for today. A Sempra spokesperson said that Cameron LNG is bringing back one of their LNG trains today after having...
Daily Market Report – July 13, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 13, 2021

Northeast production dropped below 34 Bcfd yesterday, and today we see early noms pointing to even lower production. We suspect there is new pipeline maintenance that is leading to the drop this week. Weather continues to point to a very normal tame July. Today’s 00z...
Daily Market Report – July 12, 2021

Daily Market Report – July 12, 2021

Weather models continue to trend cooler. Today’s GFS Ensemble and Euro Ensemble gave up approximately 8 TDDs vs Friday’s 12z run. With this latest forecast, the GFS Ensemble continues to stay slightly above the 10Y normal, while the Euro Ensemble is very lined up with...
Weekend Market Report – July 11, 2021

Weekend Market Report – July 11, 2021

Fundamentals for the week ending July 09: This past week the EIA reported a +16 Bcf storage injection for the week ending July 2nd. This report came in 10+ Bcf/d below market consensus and 6 Bcf/d below our estimate. This report once again suggests tighter...