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CFTC Commitment of Traders report

Soybeans going to rally over corn? Fund cycle suggest that…







SUPPLEMENTAL      Non-Comm               Indexes                  Comm

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg        Net        Chg

Corn               240,207    -28,784    445,573      6,746   -657,116      1,120

Soybeans            85,287       -562    193,613     12,704   -243,874    -16,208

Soyoil              10,442      1,425    119,246     -1,724   -139,671     -2,593

CBOT wheat         -45,177     -9,108    133,288      8,659    -78,392        720

KCBT wheat          17,171     -4,314     53,223     -6,348    -74,185     10,322


FUTURES + OPTS     Managed                 Swaps              Producer

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg        Net        Chg

Corn               344,379    -21,526    286,103     24,936   -651,582     -2,728

Soybeans           106,879      7,961    149,123      9,067   -252,226    -19,490

Soymeal             72,920      2,152     94,070      7,003   -216,516     -5,530

Soyoil              55,907      2,719     88,570     -2,654   -145,139     -3,182

CBOT wheat         -27,764     -7,920     87,148      9,751    -63,636     -1,198

KCBT wheat          42,674     -9,138     21,770     -3,022    -61,753     10,460

MGEX wheat           5,734     -3,747      2,334        691    -14,648      6,019

                 ———- ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-

Total wheat         20,644    -20,805    111,252      7,420   -140,037     15,281

Live cattle         61,941    -10,405     80,445        168   -150,042      5,764

Feeder cattle        6,470       -856      4,036        244     -2,433       -437

Lean hogs           48,804     -6,870     59,402      2,577   -100,831      3,710

                      Other             NonReport                  Open

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg   Interest        Chg

Corn                49,764    -21,600    -28,664     20,918  1,861,529     -4,162

Soybeans            31,250     -1,605    -35,026      4,066    833,968     44,628

Soymeal             20,862     -5,026     28,663      1,400    454,258     17,979

Soyoil              -9,322        226      9,984      2,891    430,663      7,966

CBOT wheat          13,972       -362     -9,720       -271    455,595     16,109

KCBT wheat          -6,483      1,360      3,792        341    242,770     -4,294

MGEX wheat           3,813     -3,048      2,768         84     71,192     -5,969

                 ———- ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-

Total wheat         11,302     -2,050     -3,160        154    769,557      5,846

Live cattle         17,341     -1,591     -9,686      6,065    372,991     -8,788

Feeder cattle          628        269     -8,701        780     51,666      2,348

Lean hogs            8,956        860    -16,330       -277    267,471      2,646





Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International
One Lincoln Center
18 W 140 Butterfield Rd.

Suite 1450

Oakbrook Terrace, Il. 60181

W: 312.604.1366


ICE IM:  treilly1

Skype: fi.treilly


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