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SUPPLEMENTAL      Non-Comm               Indexes                  Comm

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg        Net        Chg

Corn               289,313     12,792    435,629     -6,761   -688,807     -7,051

Soybeans           132,483     42,832    191,922        807   -284,565    -40,772

Soyoil              38,111     10,573    118,982       -488   -170,359    -12,280

CBOT wheat         -46,462    -13,462    139,667      1,445    -88,798      8,279

KCBT wheat          14,424     -1,352     55,535       -520    -71,784        849


FUTURES + OPTS     Managed                 Swaps              Producer

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg        Net        Chg

Corn               372,551      6,946    276,197    -15,185   -685,597     -7,284

Soybeans           154,488     39,594    134,702     -9,648   -290,658    -33,572

Soymeal             76,743     12,409     94,979     -5,116   -222,225    -17,498

Soyoil              80,476     11,704     86,427     -1,692   -177,504    -10,041

CBOT wheat         -26,452    -13,025     89,444      1,259    -72,282      8,556

KCBT wheat          37,799     -2,835     25,491       -352    -61,419      1,061

MGEX wheat           3,960        619      2,416        467    -13,764       -438

                 ———- ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-

Total wheat         15,307    -15,241    117,351      1,374   -147,465      9,179

Live cattle         69,272     19,951     80,727       -637   -155,912    -19,913

Feeder cattle       -2,019     -2,202      5,828      1,190        673         29

Lean hogs           69,968      3,060     60,189       -162   -120,739     -3,806

                      Other             NonReport                  Open

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg   Interest        Chg

Corn                72,983     14,504    -36,135      1,021  1,979,521     75,727

Soybeans            41,308      6,494    -39,839     -2,867  1,006,519    122,677

Soymeal             18,592      6,681     31,910      3,523    478,164     26,740

Soyoil              -2,665     -2,166     13,266      2,195    496,168     40,238

CBOT wheat          13,697       -527     -4,407      3,738    492,052     -5,978

KCBT wheat          -3,696      1,104      1,825      1,023    246,168      4,085

MGEX wheat           3,648       -165      3,741       -483     71,980       -629

                 ———- ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-

Total wheat         13,649        412      1,159      4,278    810,200     -2,522

Live cattle         18,759      3,180    -12,847     -2,580    387,842      1,402

Feeder cattle        2,404      1,304     -6,887       -320     55,921     -1,470

Lean hogs            4,794        184    -14,211        724    329,074     14,588





Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International
One Lincoln Center
18 W 140 Butterfield Rd.

Suite 1450

Oakbrook Terrace, Il. 60181

W: 312.604.1366


ICE IM:  treilly1

Skype: fi.treilly


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