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CFTC Commitment of Traders

We see no price implications from the results of the CFTC Commitment of Traders report.  Funds were a little less long for corn and soybeans and more long for Chicago wheat, but given the high open interest, discrepancies are small, in out opinion.  Funds have room to rebuild long positions. 








SUPPLEMENTAL      Non-Comm               Indexes                  Comm

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg        Net        Chg

Corn               159,115    -24,711    440,558     -1,736   -547,126     24,079

Soybeans            27,395     -3,614    171,047      2,771   -183,479        154

Soyoil              19,310        903    118,277     -6,735   -144,943      6,565

CBOT wheat         -46,724     -8,276    149,615     -7,258    -87,740     18,464

KCBT wheat           3,979     -3,972     64,298      2,341    -65,659        861



FUTURES + OPTS     Managed                 Swaps              Producer

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg        Net        Chg

Corn               219,371    -26,063    251,219      1,038   -513,343     23,711

Soybeans            82,180      5,923     81,797       -948   -159,245      1,837

Soymeal             20,964      5,151     89,608         64   -152,881     -4,470

Soyoil              48,174          0    110,254     -3,429   -163,964      6,501

CBOT wheat         -13,617    -14,392     68,227     -4,481    -59,614     18,288

KCBT wheat          20,880     -1,844     44,169      1,265    -59,641        750

MGEX wheat           8,826     -1,143      2,841       -101    -24,979      3,158

                 ———- ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-

Total wheat         16,089    -17,379    115,237     -3,317   -144,234     22,196


Live cattle         62,881     -2,843     87,158      1,637   -164,884       -883

Feeder cattle        7,829        664      5,931       -453     -1,692         54

Lean hogs           67,207       -462     62,995     -1,471   -130,935      5,390


                      Other             NonReport                  Open

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg   Interest        Chg

Corn                95,301     -1,055    -52,547      2,368  2,095,646     32,551

Soybeans            10,230     -7,503    -14,962        690    945,291     18,630

Soymeal             17,300     -1,502     25,009        758    426,916     -4,265

Soyoil              -1,819     -2,340      7,356       -732    575,457     -1,890

CBOT wheat          20,154      3,516    -15,150     -2,930    410,630     -6,547

KCBT wheat          -2,790       -941     -2,619        770    200,791      6,421

MGEX wheat           1,441       -967     11,870       -948     80,503     -1,450

                 ———- ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-

Total wheat         18,805      1,608     -5,899     -3,108    691,924     -1,576


Live cattle         26,925        983    -12,080      1,105    345,288      1,571

Feeder cattle        1,641       -112    -13,707       -153     53,478      3,032

Lean hogs           13,216     -1,584    -12,484     -1,872    335,768     -1,068

Source: CFTC, Reuters and FI



Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International
One Lincoln Center
18 W 140 Butterfield Rd.

Oakbrook Terrace, Il. 60181

W: 312.604.1366


ICE IM:  treilly1

Skype: fi.treilly


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