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CFTC Commitment of Traders Report

The got it wrong for the fund position for corn and soybean oil, by a mile. Funds sold more than 55,000 contracts and 40,000 contracts than expected by trade estimates.  Funds and managed money were large sellers for the week ending December 6 for corn and soybean oil, yet open interest went up for that period.







Reuters table

SUPPLEMENTAL      Non-Comm               Indexes                  Comm

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg        Net        Chg

Corn                32,765    -76,615    358,503     -4,646   -352,865     87,394

Soybeans            53,682      1,441    120,022     -7,382   -142,116     10,787

Soyoil              32,867    -34,717     99,277     -6,372   -145,051     40,770

CBOT wheat         -71,771     -6,379     99,826     -2,937    -26,505      8,158

KCBT wheat         -10,288     -9,268     46,486     -1,320    -33,725     11,697


FUTURES + OPTS     Managed                 Swaps              Producer

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg        Net        Chg

Corn               120,213    -71,418    236,631     -1,175   -356,614     84,313

Soybeans            99,454     -2,650     71,684     -7,596   -133,162     11,226

Soymeal             98,509     23,648     80,529     -2,386   -221,016    -19,464

Soyoil              62,584    -42,920     80,434        501   -161,011     37,971

CBOT wheat         -63,382     -9,314     63,906       -401    -20,450      8,109

KCBT wheat           9,729     -7,400     35,108       -411    -35,410     11,416

MGEX wheat          -3,048     -1,619      1,759        285      1,061      3,527

                 ———- ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-

Total wheat        -56,701    -18,333    100,773       -527    -54,799     23,052



Live cattle         59,317       -526     55,213      1,286   -118,064      2,344

Feeder cattle       -3,246      4,989      2,858        -73      5,111     -1,843

Lean hogs           49,754      8,271     44,802       -236    -73,913     -4,901


                      Other             NonReport                  Open

                        Net        Chg        Net        Chg   Interest        Chg

Corn                38,174     -5,588    -38,404     -6,132  1,486,178     32,911

Soybeans            -6,388      3,868    -31,588     -4,846    719,341     -2,272

Soymeal             20,932       -964     21,045       -834    427,153     32,560

Soyoil               5,085      4,128     12,908        319    485,549      5,563

CBOT wheat          21,476        448     -1,548      1,158    404,705     36,923

KCBT wheat          -6,956     -2,497     -2,473     -1,107    159,860      5,582

MGEX wheat           2,380       -624     -2,151     -1,569     48,036      2,179

                 ———- ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-

Total wheat         16,900     -2,673     -6,172     -1,518    612,601     44,684



Live cattle         11,837     -1,689     -8,304     -1,415    346,671     -7,786

Feeder cattle       -1,219        659     -3,504     -3,733     56,908     -1,641

Lean hogs           -9,897     -1,771    -10,747     -1,363    262,607     -2,021




Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International
One Lincoln Center
18 W 140 Butterfield Rd.

Oakbrook Terrace, Il. 60181

W: 312.604.1366


ICE IM:  treilly1

Skype: fi.treilly


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