Please click on the below link to download the FI Ag Commitment of Traders for 06/15/18

CFTC Commitment of Traders

  • For the major agriculture markets, traditional funds still hold a net long position in corn, soybeans, soybean meal, and Chicago wheat. Funds are short soybean oil.
  • For managed money futures and options combined, funds remained net long corn, soybeans, soybean meal and Chicago wheat. But they are holding net short positions in soybeans oil.
  • A new record was established for managed money futures and option combined in soybean oil with a net short position of 73,745 contracts. The futures only managed money net short position came in at 72,324 contracts, just shy of its record net short of 72,465 contracts as of 5/1/18.
  • Back to traditional funds, the net long position in corn futures only came in at 240,700 contracts, 7,500 contracts less long than estimated.
  • The traditional futures only net long position in soybeans of 91,700 contracts were 8,800 contracts more long than expected.
  • Chicago wheat traditional futures only funds net long position of 49,700 contracts came in 8,500 contracts less long than expected.
  • Trade estimates for changes in traditional fund positions for soybean meal and oil were about as expected.
