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is our price performance sheet and updated US soybean balance sheets.  There were no 24-hour sales this morning.  Many countries will be on holiday Monday (EU and Argentina for example).  US agriculture futures declined today in another risk off session amid
favorable US and European weather coupled with slowing US soybean demand. 






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7 days


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Weather, Inc.


  • Northeastern
    Xinjiang, China will experience temperatures at frost levels Saturday morning

Low temperatures this morning slipped to the middle and upper 30s Fahrenheit , but frost was not suspected; readings will be slightly colder Saturday

      • Cotton
        and other crops produced in northeastern Xinjiang, China have been struggling with cold weather periodically this spring and rainfall has been greater than usual some parts of the province
      • Crop
        development is behind the usual pace and some damage may occur to a few minor production areas Saturday

Most of the main cotton production areas in the province are also experiencing cool weather periodically, but the weather has not been nearly as adverse as that in the far northeast and the situation will not change

      • The
        coming ten days of weather in the central and southwestern cotton areas should be favorable, although not ideal
  • A
    weak tropical disturbance off the lower Vietnam coast this weekend will spread welcome rain through the nation’s Central Highlands coffee areas and into Cambodia and Thailand’s sugarcane and rice production areas this weekend into next week

The moisture will be welcome and quite beneficial after weeks of lighter than usual rain for unirrigated production areas

  • A
    tropical cyclone developing in the southeastern Bay of Bengal this weekend will move toward the upper India and Bangladesh coastline next week while intensifying into the viable tropical system

Very heavy rain and strong wind speeds could impact West Bengal, India and Bangladesh during mid-week next week


  • Rumors
    of frost in southern Brazil for late this month or in early June may be a little exaggerated

No threatening cold will impact coffee or sugarcane production areas, but the time period will be closely monitored for some of the grain areas of Parana

      • World
        Weather, Inc. is not expecting threatening cold, but will be watching the situation
  • Argentina
    turns colder next week, but the advertised cold is a little overdone.
  • Argentina
    weather will remain favorable for future wheat planting and for ongoing summer crop harvesting, although a few brief delays in fieldwork are expected
  • Canada’s
    Prairies began receiving rain and snow Thursday and sufficient moisture has occurred to benefit some crop areas with a boost in topsoil moisture.

The precipitation was greatest from southern Alberta through the southeastern two-thirds of Saskatchewan into a part of Manitoba

Additional rain and snow will impact eastern Saskatchewan and Manitoba today

  • Canada’s
    Prairies will be impacted by a second storm system late Sunday through Tuesday from Alberta to Manitoba further improving soil moisture for wheat, barley, oats, canola, lentils, corn, soybean, flax and sunseed production areas

Not all areas will get significant relief, but every drop of rain will be precious and beneficial

      • Southern
        and east-central Alberta and some western Saskatchewan locations may be wettest
  • U.S.
    Northern Plains and upper Midwest will receive some important rainfall during the coming week to ten days, but it will be lighter than that which occurs in Canada

Many crop areas will be in need of additional moisture, but the precipitation will help lift topsoil moisture for better emergence, establishment and development of early season crops

  • U.S.
    hard red winter wheat areas will remain moist and warm which may threaten some wet weather disease

Production is still looking good which confirmation coming out of the latest wheat tour that wheat production will be better than expected

      • This
        confirms our suspicion that new tillering occurred during the late February and early March period helping to make up for drought and freeze damage earlier in the winter and last autumn
  • West
    Texas cotton areas will experience periodic showers and thunderstorms during the next ten days, but resulting rainfall may be a little light at times

World Weather, Inc. is looking for some potentially surprisingly great rain totals during the late weekend and especially early next week, but the heavier rain is not expected to be generalized

  • U.S.
    Delta and lower Midwest weather will be favorably mixed over the next ten days supporting good crop and field conditions
  • U.S.
    southeastern states will experience some significant drying over the next ten days

Georgia, Alabama, Florida and South Carolina will be driest and warmest

North Carolina and Virginia already have need for rain and may get a little break from dryness next week, but they will need more moisture in time

  • Oregon
    and a few Idaho crop areas may get some beneficial moisture soon, but the Yakima Valley in Washington will continue quite dry

Irrigated crops are in favorable condition

Dryland winter crops need moisture and some of that which occurs in Oregon will benefit those dryland crops

  • Southeast
    Canada corn, soybean and wheat production areas are experiencing good crop weather
  • Southern
    China continues to deal with frequent bouts of excessive rain and flooding

Most of the heaviest rainfall has become confined to a relatively narrow band recently limiting the extent of impact on crops and personal property

      • Some
        rice and other crops near and south of the Yangtze River have been too wet

Late season rapeseed harvesting has likely been negatively impacted, although it is unknown how much of the crop remains to be harvested

      • Rapeseed
        production has been reduced this year because of wet weather in the south, but the losses are not as great as those of last year
      • Northern
        rapeseed production should have been much more successful
  • Warmer
    temperatures in the North China Plain, Yellow River Basin and northeastern provinces over the coming week to ten days will promote greater crop development and faster drying between rain events improving planting rates for many spring and summer crops
  • Russia’s
    New Lands continue to deal with warm to hot temperatures and little to no rain

Daily highs in the 80s and lower to a few middle 90s have been occurring from the lower Volga River Valley through Kazakhstan and north into southern parts of the Russian New Lands

      • This
        pattern will prevail for another week and then some cooling is expected

A few showers may pop up randomly over the next few days and then a more favorable period for rain may evolve north and west of Kazakhstan in the last days of May and early June

Poor germination, emergence and establishment of wheat, sunseed and other crops is likely occurring and will continue until rain and cooling evolves

  • Western
    Russia continues plenty moist along with Belarus, the Baltic States and areas south and west into other parts of eastern Europe

Drier weather is needed and will evolve in the last days of May and early June

Delays in farming activity and slow crop development is expected for a while

  • Most
    of India is are seeing good crop weather for this time of year with its winter crop harvest advancing well around shower activity

Not much change is expected

Recent rain along the west coast and in the northern part of the nation was disruptive to fieldwork and benefited early season cotton

  • Australia
    is still waiting on greater rainfall to stimulate more aggressive autumn planting of wheat, barley and canola

Fieldwork has been advancing, though

Greater rain is advertised in the second week of the forecast

  • Mexico
    drought remains quite serious, but there are some rain and thunderstorms occurring periodically in southern and eastern parts of the nation offering a little relief and the pattern will continue for a while

The precipitation will be erratic, but beneficial

Water supply is quite low and winter crops in a few areas have not performed well

The moisture will help improve planting, emergence and establishment conditions for most early season crops in the wetter areas, but the west-central and northwest parts of the nation will continue quite dry.

  • South
    Africa will be dry and warm biased over the coming two weeks
  • Southern
    Oscillation Index is mostly neutral at +6.72 and the index is expected to move erratically while drifting lower over the coming week
  • North
    Africa rainfall is expected to be erratic and mostly light during the next ten days

Temperatures will be warmer than usual

Winter small grains will be rushed toward maturation faster than usual without much moisture

  • West-central
    Africa will see a mix of rain and sunshine through the coming week.

Temperatures will be near to above average and rainfall will be below average in this coming week

      • A
        boost in precipitation will be needed later this month to ensure soil moisture stays as good as possible and crop development continues normally
        • A
          boost in rainfall is expected for some areas next week
  • East-central
    Africa rainfall will be erratic over the next two weeks.

Net drying is expected

Crop conditions are rated favorably, but greater rain will be needed in late May and June to maintain the best possible crop environment

  • Southeast
    Asia rainfall will be favorably distributed in Indonesia, Malaysia and most of the mainland areas during the next two weeks

However, the mainland areas are reporting below to well below average rainfall recently and a boost in rain is needed in Vietnam’s Central Highlands and neighboring areas

      • Thailand
        may receive the least rain over the next ten days

Greater rain is also needed in the northern and western Philippines

      • Luzon
        Island, Philippines will be last to get significant rain
  • A
    developing tropical cyclone will bring heavy rain to Vietnam’s Central Highlands and neighboring areas of Cambodia and Thailand late this weekend into next week
  • New
    Zealand precipitation for the next week to ten days will be sporadic and lighter than usual with many areas to experience net drying
  • Central
    and western Europe weather is expected to include some periodic rainfall and cooler than usual temperatures during the coming week

Spain and Portugal have been driest and need rain most significantly

      • Some
        rain will fall in a part of the drier region soon

World Weather, Inc.


Ag Calendar

May 21:

  • ICE
    Futures Europe weekly commitments of traders report (6:30pm London)
  • CFTC
    commitments of traders weekly report on positions for various U.S. futures and options, 3:30pm
  • FranceAgriMer
    weekly update on crop conditions
  • Black
    Sea Grain conference
  • U.S.
    Cattle on Feed, 3pm

May 24:

  • USDA
    export inspections – corn, soybeans, wheat, 11am
  • U.S.
    crop plantings – soybeans, cotton; winter wheat condition, 4pm
  • EU
    weekly grain, oilseed import and export data
  • Ivory
    Coast cocoa arrivals
  • U.S.
    cold storage data — pork, beef, poultry, 3pm
    France, Germany, Argentina, Canada

May 25:

  • Monthly
    MARS bulletin on crop conditions in Europe
  • Malaysia
    May 1-25 palm oil export data

May 26:

  • EIA
    weekly U.S. ethanol inventories, production
  • Brazil’s
    Unica releases cane crush, sugar output data
    Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand

May 27:

  • USDA
    weekly crop net-export sales for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, pork, beef, 8:30am
  • International
    Grains Council monthly report
  • Port
    of Rouen data on French grain exports
  • Brazil
    orange crop forecast for 2021-22

May 28:

  • ICE
    Futures Europe weekly commitments of traders report (6:30pm London)
  • CFTC
    commitments of traders weekly report on positions for various U.S. futures and options, 3:30pm
  • FranceAgriMer
    weekly update on crop conditions
  • U.S.
    agricultural prices paid, received

Bloomberg and FI



Commitment of Traders

estimates for the net long corn position were way off the target with traditional funds net long 76,600 contracts more than expected.  Note producers/end users were heavy net buyers for the week ending 5/18.  Funds were also more long than expected in wheat,
and less long than projected for soybean oil.  







Retail Sales (MM) Mar: 3.6% (est 2.3%, prev 4.8%) 

Retail Sales Ex Auto (M/M) Mar: 4.3% (est 2.3%, prev 4.8%)

Backs $50Bln Plan To Help World Escape COVID Crises







  • None


Chart, scatter chart

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is seen in a $6.00 and $7.75 range

corn is seen in a $4.75-$7.00 range.








soybeans are seen in a $15.00-$16.50; November $12.75-$15.00

meal – July $380-$440; December $380-$460

oil – July 64-70; December 48-60 cent range







Mauritius seeks 4,000 tons of rice, optional, origin, for delivery Aug – Sep, on June 1. 

Results awaited: 
Korea’s Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp seeks 134,994 tons of rice from Vietnam, China, the United States and Australia, on May 13, for arrival between September 2021 and January 2022.



Chicago wheat is seen in a $6.60-$8.00 range

KC wheat is seen in a $6.20-$7.25

MN wheat is seen in a $6.75-$
(NA rains are breaking the MN market)


Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International
One Lincoln Center
18 W 140 Butterfield Rd.

Oakbrook Terrace, Il. 60181

W: 312.604.1366



Skype: fi.treilly


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