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choppy trading range today on positioning ahead of the USDA report due out on Thursday.  Corn reversed to traded higher bias the nearby contract.  MN wheat was down again after rain fell across parts of the Northern Plains and Canadian Prairies, pressuring
Chicago and KC type wheat. The soybean complex was lower in part to technical selling and rain falling across the ECB. 


for the short and medium range forecast for most models (not GFS) reduced rain for the northern U.S. Plains and increased it in Canada’s eastern Prairies for Thursday night into Saturday.















Weather, Inc.


  • Portions
    of the Western U.S. Corn Belt will be drying out over the next ten days

No excessive heat is expected

Some cooling will occur for a little while next week

The drying is not likely to cause critical crop stress; however, concern will rise over crop conditions the next time temperatures turn hot after the period of net drying

  • U.S.
    high pressure ridge aloft is still expected to shift westward into the Rocky Mountains and high Plains region this weekend and especially next week creating a northwesterly wind flow aloft over the Midwest

In this pattern there may be some shower and thunderstorms and less heat

Crop conditions will only improve if generalized rain evolves

Moisture in the northwestern Corn Belt will be restricted especially if a tropical cyclone comes into the Gulf of Mexico as suggested by some forecast models today

  • As
    noted a week ago, the potential for tropical cyclone development in a part of the western Atlantic Ocean Basin will be highest from June 13-17

Recent forecast models have suggested tropical systems may evolve in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico a week from now with another tropical wave of small tropical system in the Caribbean Sea a little later in the forecast period

  • Monsoon
    depression evolving in the northern Bay of Bengal will bring significant rain to India from Odisha to Madhya Pradesh this weekend and early next week

Flooding is expected, although rain amounts have been reduced today over those advertised earlier this week

      • Amounts
        of 4.00 to 10.00 inches and locally more will be possible resulting in some flooding

Not much planting has occurred thus far this summer and the storm will cause delays in fieldwork, but only a small area of replanting may be necessary

A follow up monsoon depression is possible in the second week of the outlook a little farther to the east from West Bengal and Bangladesh to Uttar Pradesh

  • Interior
    western India will be drier than usual over the next ten days

The area includes Gujarat, interior Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and much of Andhra Pradesh

  • East-central
    China, including the Yellow River Basin and North China, will receive rain this weekend through all of next week to ease the region from recent dryness

Crop stress relief is expected

  • Northeast
    China crop weather will be mostly good over the next two weeks
  • Southern
    China will remain plenty wet for the next two weeks
  • Xinjiang,
    China will trend a little cooler than usual in the northeast during the coming week with periods of rain possible

Southwestern areas will see a little cooler bias in temperatures and limited rain potential

  • Lower
    U.S. Midwest, Delta and southeastern states will continue to see a good mix of weather for a while, although the Delta and Tennessee River Basin will need to dry down after recent heavy rain

Delta rainfall overnight was greater than expected with 1.00 to 3.00 inches and local totals of 3.00 to 8.00 inches noted

      • Some
        flooding resulted
  • West
    Texas will be exceptionally hot over the next few days with highs of 100 to 108 Fahrenheit

Scattered showers will pop up during the weekend and next week as the region cools back down for a little while

  • Far
    western U.S. crop areas will continue quite dry during the next ten days with temperatures turning warmer than usual next week and continuing into the following weekend
  • Canada’s
    Prairies will receive relief from dryness through the weekend, but follow up moisture will still be needed

Short term relief is imperative after recent drying has soil  moisture rated short to very short

Crop stress has been increasing and there have been reports of blowing dust in a few areas

Rain will occur in the southeast corner of the Prairies tonight and Wednesday and across eastern Alberta, western and central Saskatchewan Thursday night into Saturday

Week two weather (June 16-22) will be a little drier and warmer biased once again

  • Mexico
    rainfall will continue confined to southern parts of the nation during the next two weeks leaving drought in dominance of western, central and northern Mexico

Recent rain in eastern Mexico eased long term dryness

  • Nicaragua
    and Honduras have been drier biased for the past month and need rain

Some improvement is expected over the next week to ten days as rain develops in some of the driest areas

  • Safrinha
    corn areas of Brazil will experience no serious weather changes over the next ten days

Dryness will remain in Mato Grosso, Goias, southwestern Minas Gerais and northern Sao Paulo

Showers and thunderstorms farther to the south in Brazil periodically will be good for wheat and late Safrinha crops

Safrinha corn and cotton production will be down this year, despite periodic rainfall in the south

  • Argentina’s
    summer crop harvest has advanced well in recent weeks

Winter wheat areas are drying down and there are some areas in Cordoba that need significant moisture

      • The
        dry bias will prevail over the next week to ten days
  • Australia
    will see some periodic showers and some sunshine during the next two weeks

Greater volumes of rain are needed especially in South Australia, Queensland and, northwestern Victoria and western New South Wales

  • Russia’s
    New Lands are still likely to be influenced by a high pressure ridge next week generating very warm and dry biased weather

A sukhovei may evolve early next week bringing excessive heat, wind and low humidity to western Kazakhstan and eastern portions of Russia’s Southern Region.

  • Western
    Europe will be trending drier over the coming week

Temperatures will be warm, but not excessively hot

Drying will raise the need for rain in time

  • Southeast
    Asia rainfall increased in the mainland areas Tuesday while staying light in Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia

The rain was welcome

  • Much
    of Southeast Asia is expecting bouts of rain through the next ten days, although amounts will be lighter than usual at times.
  • South
    Africa rain will be minimal for a while supporting summer crop harvesting and winter crop planting

A boost in rain is always needed in winter crop areas

  • West
    Africa rainfall will increase over the next ten days

Greater rain is needed in many areas; including Ghana and some west-central Ivory Coast coffee, cocoa, rice and sugarcane production areas

      • A
        boost in cotton rainfall would also be welcome

Rainfall will continue lighter than usual, but at least some showers will occur periodically

  • East-central
    Africa has been drying down and needs greater rain soon to maintain the best coffee, cocoa, rice, sugarcane and other crop production potentials

Rainfall will increase in Ethiopia this week while little change occurs elsewhere

  • Southern
    Oscillation Index is mostly neutral at -0.53 and the index is expected to begin leveling off during the balance of this week after a steady decline
  • North
    Africa weather will trend a little wetter in northern Algeria and Tunisia late this week and into the weekend

No winter crop quality issues are expected

  • New
    Zealand weather during the coming week to ten days will be drier and warmer than usual

the exception will be along the west coast of South Island where rain is expected this weekend into next week

World Weather, Inc.


Ag Calendar

June 9:

  • EIA
    weekly U.S. ethanol inventories, production
  • International
    Grains Council Conference, day 2
  • FranceAgriMer
    releases monthly grains report

June 10:

  • USDA’s
    monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand (WASDE) report, 12pm
  • USDA
    weekly crop net-export sales for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, pork, beef, 8:30am
  • China’s
    agriculture ministry (CASDE) releases monthly report on supply and demand for corn and soybeans
  • Malaysian
    Palm Oil Board inventory, output and export data for May
  • Brazil’s
    Conab releases output, yield and acreage data for corn and soybeans
  • Port
    of Rouen data on French grain exports
  • Malaysia
    June 1-10 palm oil export data

June 11:

  • ICE
    Futures Europe weekly commitments of traders report (6:30pm London)
  • CFTC
    commitments of traders weekly report on positions for various U.S. futures and options, 3:30pm
  • FranceAgriMer
    weekly update on crop conditions

Bloomberg and FI







MBA Mortgage Applications Jun 4: -3.1% (prev -4.0%

CPI Core (M/M) May: 0.53% (est 0.48%; prev 0.37%)

CPI (M/M) May: 0.20% (est 0.18%; prev 0.33%)

CPI (Y/Y) May: 5.89% (est 5.86%; prev 6.08%)


May 2021 Inflation data:

1.3% y/y expected 1.6% y/y, prior 0.9%

prices expected to fall, pork prices continue to plunge, for the month/month -0.2%

9.0% y/y, higher than the median estimate and fastest since 2008, expected 8.5%, prior 6.8%

by rising commodity prices, for the m/m, +1.6%



  • US
    corn traded in a wide two-sided range, rallying late in part to a robust weekly ethanol production reported by EIA.  The Midwest region was a record.  Ethanol margins were good. 
  • December
    corn failed fill its recent gap of $5.9275.  The low was $5.9300.   
  • Funds
    bought an estimated net 10,000 corn contracts. 
  • First
    thing Thursday morning will be Brazil’s Conab update on corn production and this maybe very important to watch, as it could give us an idea and comparison with USDA’s update later in the morning.  Trade estimates are above for both reports. 
  • Trade
    estimate for USDA export sales for combined old and new crop range from 300,000 to 1.1 million tons. 
  • Upper
    MN and southern WI saw rain over the past day.  A good portion of the ECB was wet.
  • Brazil’s
    MGDS, southern Minas, southern Goias, Sao Paulo, through RGDS will see rain through the end of the workweek.
  • Brazil
    started importing Argentina corn.  During the Jan-Apr period Brazil imported 758,000 tons of corn from neighboring countries, up 70 percent from a year earlier. 
  • China
    announced they will use their state reserves of pork to help stabilize prices, without getting into details.  We think they will be buying and storing pork to help prop up prices.  Pork prices are down about 50 percent since the begging of the year and margins
    are now unprofitable in many areas.  China’s state reserve program for pork is not thought to be large relative to average monthly consumption.  China grain and oilseed prices, with exception of meal, were lower. 
  • After
    releasing CPI and PPI May economic data, China announced measure to control feed commodity prices but it’s unclear what they will exactly do. 
  • China’s
    Sinograin will offer 11,058 tons of Ukrainian imported corn at auction from reserves on June 11. 
  • Today
    was the third day of the Goldman Roll.
  • USD
    was 5 points lower as of 1:40 pm CT. 
  • IKAR
    increased its Russian corn production estimate to 15.1 million tons from 14.5 million previously, which would be the second highest in history.  Record was 2016 at 15.3 million tons.  In 2020 Russia harvested 13.9 million tons of corn. 
  • USDA’s
    weekly Broiler Report showed eggs set in the US up 2 percent and chicks placed up 1 percent.  Cumulative placements from the week ending January 9, 2021 through June 5, 2021 for the United States were 4.11 billion. Cumulative placements were up 1 percent from
    the same period a year earlier.


US ethanol production was up a large 33,000 barrels to 1.067 million (trade looking for up 2,000) and stocks increased 372,000 barrels to 19.960 million  (trade +110k).  For the week ending June 6, ethanol output of 1.067 million barrels is highest since 2/28/20,
and more interestingly only 41,000 barrels below the weekly record set early December 2017 of 1.108 million barrels.  Production is up about 9% from around this time last month.  Last week’s production came in above the comparable 2017 & 2018 periods but was
just short what was produced in week 40 in 2019.  Ethanol stocks are off 8.4% from around this time year ago.  US gasoline demand fell 666,000 barrels from the previous week, but lagging demand for this time of year in 2019.  Note Midwest ethanol production
was a record. 




hog chart created by Reuters





of I – Direct Costs and Prices on Grain Farms

G., N. Paulson, C. Zulauf and K. Swanson. “Direct Costs and Prices on Grain Farms.”
farmdoc daily (11):90,  Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 8, 2021.




is seen in a $6.00 and $7.25 range

corn is seen in a $4.75-$7.00 range.






  • USDA
    seeks 1,180 tons of packaged vegetable oil for export donation on June 15 for July 16-Aug 15 shipment. 



soybeans are seen in a $14.75-$16.00; November $12.75-$15.00

meal – July $360-$420; December $380-$460

oil – July 69-75; December 57-70 cent range



  • The
    recent dip in prices attracted more buyers to the market. Japan, Tunisia and Ethiopia all announced import tender over the past day. 
  • Funds
    sold an estimated net 3,000 SRW wheat contracts. 
  • Canadian
    Prairies weather improves through Friday with an increase in rainfall.  The Northern Great Plains will see more local rains through Friday as indicated in the evening GFS model.  Rain for the Northern Plains over the past day was near expectations. 
  • Trade
    estimate for all wheat export sales range from 200,000 to 450,000 tons. 
  • September
    Paris wheat settled down 3.75 euros, or 1.7%, at 212.50 euros ($258.74) a ton.
  • (Reuters)
    – Algeria’s state grain office has barred a 33,000-tonne durum wheat shipment from Canada from entering the eastern port of Annaba port, for non-compliance with agreed specifications, Ennahar TV reported on Wednesday on Twitter.



  • Jordan
    seeks 20,000 tons of wheat bran on June 15 for July/August shipment. 
  • Jordan
    seeks 120,000 tons of wheat on June 22 for December shipment. 



Indonesia aims to produce 55.2 million tons of rice in 2022 and 20.1 million tons of corn.  



Chicago wheat is seen in a $6.30-$7.15 range

KC wheat is seen in a $5.95-$6.70

MN wheat is seen in a $7.50-



Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International
One Lincoln Center
18 W 140 Butterfield Rd.

Oakbrook Terrace, Il. 60181

W: 312.604.1366



Skype: fi.treilly


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