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trade on US shipping concerns and fund selling.  Money managers are short Chicago wheat. 





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  • Gujarat,
    India is receiving some significant rain today, according to satellite imagery

Gujarat, like other areas in northwestern India and southern Pakistan, have been drier bias this summer and the moisture was needed to improve post monsoonal crop development potential for cotton, groundnuts and other crops

Rain will linger into Friday and some of it today and Thursday will be heavy

Another round of rain is expected during the middle to latter part of next week and it too will be significant

  • Northern
    India early season cotton is in the open boll stage of development with early harvesting expected soon

The withdrawal of the monsoon season should begin around mid-month to help induce a better harvest environment

  • Most
    of India’s grain, oilseeds and other crops away from the far northwest have seen an uneven distribution of rain this summer, but crops have managed the environment relatively well

More of the same is expected

  • Cool
    air will settle into western Russia, Belarus, the Baltic States and neighboring areas this weekend into next week

Drizzle and periods of light rain may occur in parts of the region resulting in slower harvest and planting progress

      • Harvesting
        of 2021 crops is already well under way, but will be slowed
      • Planting
        of 2022 winter crops has also advanced and the moisture will ensure good establishment of crops planted in early August
  • Western
    Alberta, Canada experienced very chilly weather periods of rain Tuesday and the same bias is expected today into Thursday
  • Southwestern
    parts of Canada’s Prairies will continue dry biased over the next ten days
  • Northern
    and eastern parts of Canada’s Prairies will experience improved harvest weather this weekend and next week as rain frequency decreases and greater sunshine begins to occur
  • U.S.
    Midwest weather will be good for late season summer crop development maturation and early season harvesting during the next two weeks

Rain is expected in the northwestern Corn Belt tonight and Thursday after that rain in the Midwest is expected to be a little less frequent and less significant allowing the region to slowly dry down for a while

  • U.S.
    temperatures will be seasonable in the Midwest , Delta and southeastern states and warmer than usual from the Plains to the Pacific Coast
  • Tropical
    Depression Ida continues to move through the eastern United States with today’s greatest rain occurring from Virginia to southern New England.

The system should finally exit the nation Friday into Saturday

Heavy rain will continue to impact a part of the region described

  • Texas
    and southwestern Oklahoma will experience net drying conditions over the next ten days and temperatures will be near to above average supporting good late season crop development and harvest progress
  • U.S.
    Delta and southeastern states will see a good mix of rain and sunshine over the next two weeks, although flood water will continue to recede in southern Mississippi, southeastern Louisiana and southwestern Alabama from Hurricane Ida
  • Far
    western U.S. will be dry or mostly dry during the next ten days along with the northwestern U.S. Plains
  • Western
    Europe is expecting greater rainfall this weekend into next week which should help moisten the soil after recent net drying
  • Eastern
    Europe should begin drying down for a while and the change will be good after recent wet and cool biased conditions
  • A
    region of disturbed tropical weather in the western Caribbean Sea is still being closely monitored for possible development this weekend or next week, but the latest model forecasts send the system into Central America where development is not nearly as likely
    as it was suggested to be earlier this week
  • Tropical
    Storm Larry evolved in the eastern tropical Atlantic Tuesday and it will quickly intensify to a major hurricane by the weekend

The storm will remain over open water as it turns to the central Atlantic Ocean and there is very little potential for the storm to turn toward North America

  • Tropical
    Storm Kate remains in the central Atlantic Ocean and poses no threat to land

The storm should steadily diminish over the next few days

  • Mexico’s
    west and southern crop areas will be a little too wet over the coming week resulting in some flooding and concern over crop conditions

Flooding is already a problem in southwestern and west-central coastal states of Mexico following Tropical Storm Nora’s onslaught of heavy rainfall during the weekend and Monday.

Drier weather is needed in many areas

Northeastern Mexico will remain drier, but will receive some scattered showers and thunderstorms in the coming week

  • Ontario
    and Quebec, Canada weather will be well mixed, although rainfall will be lighter than usual; temperatures will be near normal

Wheat harvesting will advance well on the drier days

Corn and soybean filling and maturing conditions will be good, but late season crops will need additional moisture over time

  • Argentina
    received some welcome rain Tuesday, and more is expected

The precipitation was greatest in Buenos Aires and La Pampa where some improvement in winter crop conditions resulted

Areas to the north and especially in Cordoba, Santa Fe and Santiago del Estero need rain to support winter crops and to improve soil moisture for early season planting of spring crops

Wheat in Argentina needs rain especially in the west where is has been driest since the planting season ended

  • Brazil
    weather will be dry in most center west and center south crop areas during the next ten days, but showers may begin to evolve briefly during the middle part of September.

Some rain will fall in coastal areas of Bahia and Espirito Santo and periodic rain is predicted for areas in central Parana southward where wheat development should advance well along with some early season corn planting.

      • Rain
        along the central Atlantic Coast could benefit a few coffee trees
  • Australia
    crop weather will continue to include timely rainfall in southern parts of the nation during the next two weeks. Northern production areas will need some greater rain as winter wheat, barley and canola begin to reproduce in early September

Rain will fall in Queensland and northern New South Wales this weekend into early next week, but confidence in its significance is low

      • Temperatures
        will be seasonable
  • China
    weather is expected to remain active during the next two weeks with some moderate rain expected in the coming ten days between the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers possibly inducing some new flooding and possible late season crop damage

A part of eastern Inner Mongolia, northern Jilin, Liaoning and northwestern Heilongjiang will also get a little too much rain, although flooding is not likely to be a problem

China needs drier weather to protect late summer crop development and crop quality

Temperatures will be seasonable

  • Southeast
    Asia rainfall is expected to be frequent and sufficient to maintain favorable crop and soil conditions

Some timely rain fell in Thailand during the weekend

Most all crop areas will get rain multiple times over the next two weeks and sufficient amounts will occur to support better long term development potentials

  • Pakistan
    rainfall will remain restricted, but some showers will occur in the next ten days
  • North
    Africa showers in the next two weeks will occur while temperatures are hot maintaining seasonably dry biased conditions
  • Colombia,
    Venezuela and Central America will be plenty wet over the coming week to ten days
  • West-central
    Africa rainfall over the next ten days will be near to above average

Recent rain benefited many areas, although Ghana would still benefit from more rain

Cameroon and southeastern Nigeria have been drier biased in recent weeks, although no critical problem with dryness is suspected

Coffee, cocoa, rice, sugarcane and cotton development has been and will continue to be good this year

  • East-central
    Africa showers and thunderstorms have been and will continue to be timely and beneficial resulting in a good outlook for coffee, cocoa, rice, sugarcane and other crops that are produced from Ethiopia into Uganda and southwestern Kenya.


  • Showers
    in South Africa will be erratic and mostly very light over the coming week

Net drying is expected, although temperatures are seasonably mild limiting evaporative moisture losses

  • Southern
    Oscillation Index was +4.76 today and the index should move a little higher for a while this week
  • New
    Zealand weather will include near to below average rainfall during the next week except in western parts of South Island where rainfall will be more significant

Temperatures will be seasonable to slightly cooler biased

World Weather Inc. 


Ag Calendar

Sept. 1:

  • EIA
    weekly U.S. ethanol inventories, production
  • Australia
    Commodity Index
  • U.S.
    DDGS production, corn for ethanol, 3pm
  • Malaysia
    August palm oil export data (tentative)
  • USDA
    soybean crush, 3pm

Sept. 2:

  • FAO
    World Food Price Index
  • USDA
    weekly crop net-export sales for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, pork, beef, 8:30am
  • Port
    of Rouen data on French grain exports

Sept. 3:

  • ICE
    Futures Europe weekly commitments of traders report (6:30pm London)
  • CFTC
    commitments of traders weekly report on positions for various U.S. futures and options, 3:30pm
  • FranceAgriMer
    weekly update on crop conditions

Bloomberg and FI



issued early 2022 US plantings and the corn area was estimated at 94.3 million acres, up 1.7% from USDA’s 2021 estimate.  US soybeans were expected to expand 3.7% to 90.8 million acres.  All-wheat was pegged at 49.7 million acres, up 6.3%, with winter at 35.4
million (up 5.1%), spring and durum at 14.3 million (up 5.1%).  737 producers were survey from July 13 to Aug. 1. 


Brazil commodities exports:

                        August 2021       August 2020

OIL (TNS)              6,968,531            5,258,498

ORE (TNS)                34,836,092          31,193,457

(TNS)               6,499,747            5,836,621

(TNS)                        4,349,451            6,243,786

COFFEE(TNS)       172,424                191,124

(TNS)                      2,595,408            3,139,009

(TNS)                          181,605                163,220

(TNS) 351,137                340,469

(TNS)                          1,347,636            1,260,327



ADP Employment Change Aug: 374K (est 638K; prevR 326K; prev 300K)

MBA Mortgage Applications Aug 27: -2.4% (prev 1.6%)

Markit Manufacturing PMI Aug: 57.2 (prev 56.2)

ISM Manufacturing Aug: 59.9 (est 58.5; prev 59.5)

Prices Paid: 79.4 (est 84.0; prev 85.7)

New Orders: 66.7 (est 61.0; prev 64.9)

Employment: 49.0 (prev 52.9)



Corn ended lower for the third consecutive session on US export concerns.  December traded below key technical levels and settled off 11.50 cents, lowest level since July 12.  At least two out of six grain facilities located in
or around the NOLA Gulf area have confirmed elevator damage.  One is down indefinitely.  Cargill Inc said its Westwego, Louisiana, grain export terminal was damaged by Hurricane Ida, in addition to the grain export facility in Reserve, Louisiana. 

This afternoon we heard the river is starting to reopen now that some of the power had been restored. 

Funds sold an estimated net 11,000 corn contracts. 

We heard China washed out about 500,000 tons of Ukraine corn commitments this week, and EU interest for Ukraine corn increased. 

EU has a cap on Ukraine corn import volume.  While likely not met yet this season, they tend to  hit this yearly cap early in previous crop years.  Ukraine had already sold forward around 20% of its corn export potential as of
early August, around 6-7MMT, according to AgriCensus.  Ukraine started forward selling in January, mainly to China, and other Asian countries and Middle East also committed earlier this year. 

StoneX estimated the 2021-22 Brazil first corn crop at 29.8 million tons (unchanged from prior) and second crop at 59.1 million (59.6 previously). 

Argentina producers sold 38.7 million tons of corn from the 2020-21 crop, about 3 million tons above a year earlier. 

USDA’s Broiler Report showed eggs type eggs set in the US up 2 percent and chicks placed down slightly.  Cumulative placements from the week ending January 9, 2021 through August 28, 2021 for the United States were 6.35 billion.
Cumulative placements were up slightly from the same period a year earlier.

Weekly US ethanol production fell for the eighth consecutive week, longest streak since the pandemic.  For the week ending August 27, it was off 28,000 barrels to 905,000 barrels (trade was looking down 7,000), lowest level since
2/26/21.  2020-21 US weekly ethanol production increased only 3.3% from the 2019-20 crop year.  Ethanol stocks fell for the fifth consecutive week by 113,000 barrels to 21.110 million barrels (trade was looking for a 77,000 barrel decrease). US gasoline stocks
increased 1.3 million barrels to 227.2 million.  Rolling 4-week average US gasoline demand increased from the previous week and running 8 percent above around this time a year ago but 2.6% below the comparable period a year ago. 

USDA NASS corn for ethanal demand was less than the trade average at 449 million bushels, up from 440 million for June and 424 million for July 2020. 




DoE Crude Oil Inventories (W/W) 27-Aug: -7169K (est -2500K; prev -2980K)

Distillate Inventories: -1732K (est -550K; prev 645K)

Cushing OK Crude Inventories: 836K (prev 70K)

Gasoline Inventories: 1290K (est -1600K; prev -2241K)

Refinery Utilization: -1.10% (est 0.35%; prev 0.20%)




Oil weekly Stocks

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China will auction off 111,321 tons of imported US corn and 13,180 tons of imported Ukrainian corn on September 3. 



corn is seen in a $4.75-$6.00 range



Soybeans traded sharply lower and are down for the fifth consecutive session on follow through selling over slowing US Gulf exports, favorable US weather and weaker soybean oil.  Meal trended lower. 

Funds sold an estimated net 9000 soybeans, 2000 meal and 3000 soybean oil. 

We heard at least two US Gulf soybean cargoes for October shipment were switched to Brazil at an expensive price. 

StoneX estimated the 2021-22 Brazil new-crop soybean production at 143.3 million tons (unchanged from prior). 

Argentina producers sold 28.5 million tons of soybeans from the 2020-21 crop, up 568,600 tons from the previous week, and behind 30.3 million tons a year earlier. 

Cargo surveyor SGS reported August Malaysian palm exports at 1,191,053 tons, 257,430 tons below the same period a month ago or down 17.8%, and 251,852 tons below the same period a year ago or down 17.5%.  AmSpec reported 1.219
million tons, down from 1.428 million previous month.  ITS: Malaysian Aug palm exports reached 1.213 million tons, a 15.8% decrease from July. 

USDA NASS crush for the month of July was 166.3 million bushels, 1.1 million above trade expectations and well below 184.5 million a year ago.  Soybean oil stocks at the end of July was 2.070 billion pounds, 66 million below expectations
and below 2.123 billion year earlier. 




  • Egypt’s
    GASC seeks at least 30,000 tons of soyoil and 10,000 tons of sunflower oil on Thursday for arrival between October 20-November 5.  At sight and 180-day letters of credit would be considered. 
  • India
    was estimated to have bought about 250,000 tons of soybeans meal, including 15,000 tons that as already shipped out a couple months ago but bought back at a higher price.  Most of the soybean meal bought will originate from Argentina and some cargoes from
    neighboring Asian countries.




– November $11.75-$14.50 range

meal – December $320-$395

oil – December 52-65 cent range



US wheat again started mixed on lack of direction but grinded lower after soybeans and corn hit sell stops.  The downward trend this week in corn and soybeans is bearish for wheat futures but helping offset that is strong global
import wheat demand.
Algeria bought upwards to 460,000 tons of wheat. 

Funds sold an estimated net 5,000 Chicago SRW wheat contracts. 

December Paris wheat was off 2.25 euros at 242.75 euros/ton

India monsoon rains are expected to be above normal for the month of September.  June through August rainfall was about 9% deficient. 

Ukraine AgMin: Grain exports for July-August totaled 8.6 million tons, up from 7.73 million year ago, including 4.6 million tons of wheat, 2.8 million tons of barley and 1.26 million tons of corn. 

Russia AgMin: Farmers have already sown winter grains for next year’s crop on 2.4 million hectares, down from 3.5 million hectares at Sept 1, 2020. 



Algeria bought around 460,000 to 490,000 tons of wheat and prices were reported at $353-$356.60/ton c&f.  They are in for October shipment. 

Jordan passed on 120,000 tons of wheat.

Results awaited: Bangladesh seeks 50,000 tons wheat.

Jordan seeks 120,000 tons of feed barley on September 2 for LH October through FH December shipment.

Turkey seeks 300,000 tons of milling wheat on September 2 for September 10 through October 10 shipment.  They last bought 11.5% and 12.5% wheat on August 4 at $297.40-$308.90/ton c&f. 

Taiwan weeks 48,875 tons of US wheat on September 3 for October 15-Novmeber 1 shipment.  They last bought US wheat on August 6, various classes at various prices. 

Turkey seeks 245,000 tons of animal feed barley on September 7 for Sep 15-Oct 8 shipment. 

Pakistan seeks 550,000 tons of wheat on September 7 for October through November shipment. 

Mauritius seeks 47,000 tons of wheat flour, optional origin, on Sept. 21 for various 2022 shipment.



  • South
    Korea seeks 42,200 tons of rice for arrival in South Korea between February 28 and April 2022.  20,000 tons of that is of US origin, rest optional .


Updated 8/31/21

December Chicago wheat is seen in a $6.80‐$8.00

December KC wheat is seen in a $6.60‐$7.80

December MN wheat is seen in a $8.45‐$9.50



Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International
One Lincoln Center
18 W 140 Butterfield Rd.

Oakbrook Terrace, Il. 60181

W: 312.604.1366



Skype: fi.treilly


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