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exporters reported sales of 130,000 metric tons of corn for delivery to unknown destinations during the 2022/2023 marketing year.  News was again light. The USD is slightly higher, WTI down 1 cent and US equities leaning towards a lower open this morning.
Most US agriculture markets were rebounding after selling off Monday after rain fell across dry areas of Argentina. Meal is leading soybeans higher while soybean oil is lower from a reversal in product spreading. Grains are higher on technical buying. The
morning weather forecast still calls for Argentina to see rain through Friday, then late in the week into next week bias northern areas. Brazil will see rain on and off over the next week. RGDS will see the lightest amounts for the southern areas. The US Great
Plains will see precipitation bias southern areas. Malaysia is on holiday and back Wednesday. China is on holiday all week. Offshore values were leading SBO lower by about 14 points this morning and meal $4.70 short ton higher.






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Weather, INC.


  • Snow
    will fall significantly today and Wednesday from the Texas Panhandle through Oklahoma and ultimately through the lower and eastern U.S. Midwest
    • Travel
      delays are likely and some livestock stress is possible.
  • Arctic
    air is still expected to slip southward through Canada’s Prairies late this week and during the weekend before reaching the northern half of the U.S. Plains and upper Midwest during the weekend and it will linger into early next week.
    • Some
      snow will precede the event and most wheat areas will be sufficiently protected from the cold by snow.
  • Argentina
    is still expected to receive rain during the coming ten days with sufficient amounts to continue the summer crop improving trend.
  • Brazil
    will get rain over the next ten days, but its frequency and intensity may still be a little higher than desired for soybean maturation and harvest progress in some areas.
    • Southern
      Brazil precipitation will be restricted for a while in the coming ten days leading to some drying that may help early soybean harvesting and Safrinha crop planting, although the area that needs dry weather most may be in Mato Grosso
  • North
    Africa rainfall will continue most significant in Algeria leaving interior Tunisia and parts of Morocco with an ongoing need for greater rain.
  • No
    threatening cold weather is expected in Europe or Asia during the next couple of weeks.
  • Weather
    conditions in eastern China will be relatively tranquil for a while with limited precipitation and mild to warm temperatures.
  • No
    changes in India’s weather outlook occurred overnight with light rain expected in north-central parts of the nation and the greatest rain from Uttarakhand to Jammu and Kashmir
  • Australia’s
    second week outlook remains wettest potentially in eastern sorghum and cotton areas.
  • South
    Africa rainfall is still expected to increase next week after another several days of net drying this week.

World Weather and FI


Ag calendar

Jan. 24:

  • EU
    weekly grain, oilseed import and export data.
    China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Korea, Vietnam

Jan. 25:

  • EIA
    weekly US ethanol inventories, production, 10:30am
  • Malaysia’s
    Jan. 1-25 palm oil exports
  • US
    cold storage data for pork, beef and poultry, 3pm
  • National
    Coffee Association’s webinar on 2023 US coffee outlook
  • USDA
    total milk production, 3pm
  • US
    poultry slaughter, 3pm
    China, Hong Kong, Vietnam

Jan. 26:

  • Paris
    Grain Conference, day 1
  • USDA
    weekly net-export sales for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, pork and beef, 8:30am
  • USDA
    to release its outlook for world orange and orange-juice production.
  • Port
    of Rouen data on French grain exports
    China, India, Australia, Vietnam

Jan. 27:

  • Paris
    Grain Conference, day 2
  • ICE
    Futures Europe weekly commitments of traders report
  • CFTC
    commitments of traders weekly report on positions for various US futures and options
  • US
    cattle inventory, 3pm

Bloomberg and FI





Corn Advisory

Brazil Soybean Estimate Unchanged at 151.0 Million Tons

Brazil Corn Estimate Unchanged at 125.0 Million Tons

Argentina Soybean Estimate Unchanged at 39.0 Million Tons

Argentina Corn Estimate Unchanged at 44.0 Million Tons


inspections versus Reuters trade range                                                    

334,217                 versus   250000-550000  range

727,643                 versus   550000-1025000                range

1,805,744             versus   900000-1955000                range



Of England To Lift Rates To 4% On Feb 2, Finish At 4.25% In March – RTRS

Union €5b 3% 3/2053 Tap MS+86

Philadelphia Fed Non-Manufacturing Activity Jan: -6.5 (prevR -12.8)



CBOT corn

are higher on technical buying after wheat and soybeans rallied.

US agriculture officials have been addressing the Mexico GMO yellow corn import ban issue, citing it is insufficient and raised “grave concerns” if the government goes through with it.

AgriCensus noted Brazil exported 4.2 million tons of corn during the first three week of January, above the 2.7 million tons exported during the whole month of January 2022.

Anec sees Brazil’s January corn exports reaching 5.2 million tons versus 5.178 million previously estimated.

Two vessels of Ukrainian corn and barley left Ukraine for Israel and the Netherlands.

AgRural reported 1 percent of the Brazil winter corn seeding progress was complete.

USDA US corn export inspections as of January 19, 2023, were 727,643 tons, above a range of trade expectations, below 779,788 tons previous week and compares to 1,186,575 tons year ago. Major countries included Mexico for 308,894
tons, Japan for 116,548 tons, and China for 71,250 tons.




Under the 24-hour reporting system, USDA reported private exporters reported sales of 130,000 tons of corn for delivery to unknown destinations during the 2022-23 marketing year.



US soybeans are higher from a bull spread rally in soybean meal. Soybean oil is lower from a reversal in product spreading. Traders are citing a dead cat bounce in soybeans after “oversold” conditions were seen Monday.

There were 42 CBOT soybean registrations were cancelled Monday evening.

Brazil January to date soybean exports have slowed to less than 600,000 tons versus 2.4 million tons for the whole month of January 2022.

Anec sees Brazil’s January soybean exports reaching 1.356 million tons versus 1.999 million previously estimated. Soybean meal exports were projected at 1.521 million tons versus 1.587 million previously estimated.

Malaysia is on holiday though the 24th, back Wednesday.

China is on holiday all week.

ITS reported Indonesia’s December palm oil exports fell 13.7 percent from November to 2.33 million tons, which included 409,673 tons of crude palm oil.

Nearby Rotterdam vegetable oils were

mixed from early yesterday morning. Rotterdam meal was mostly 2-4 euros higher.

Offshore values were leading SBO lower by about 14 points this morning and meal $4.70 short ton

USDA US soybean export inspections as of January 19, 2023, were 1,805,744 tons, within a range of trade expectations, below 2,190,371 tons previous week and compares to 1,383,251 tons year ago. Major countries included China for
1,197,053 tons, Germany for 168,890 tons, and Mexico for 123,860 tons.



The CCC seeks 3,770 tons of vegetable oils on February 1 for last half March shipment.



US wheat futures are higher led by high protein KC and MN wheat.

Matif wheat saw a good amount of volume Monday of 22,943 contracts.

Paris March wheat was 2.25 euros higher earlier at 281.50 per ton, after trading yesterday at its lowest level since early March 2022. 

Jordan’s wheat reserves are large enough to cover one year’s worth of consumption.

USDA US all-wheat export inspections as of January 19, 2023, were 334,217 tons, within a range of trade expectations, above 325,643 tons previous week and compares to 417,638 tons year ago. Major countries included Korea Rep for
90,749 tons, Mexico for 76,974 tons, and Japan for 56,000 tons.

Domestic India wheat prices hit a record high Monday, just before the government planned to release 2-3 MMT of wheat reserves to cool prices.



Japan seeks 70,000 tons of feed wheat and 40,000 tons of barley on January 25 for arrival in Japan by March 16.

China plans to auction off 140,000 tons of wheat on February 1, that includes stocks from the 2014-2017 crop years.



None reported.



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