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oil in on the defensive again creating a negative undertone for soybeans.  Meal is higher. US corn futures are catching a bid in the nearby contracts on Brazil opening doors to US GMO corn imports (reported by AgriCensus) and WCB crop growing concerns.  US
wheat is higher as Egypt retenders. Iran is in for 60,000 tons of wheat.  Japan received no offers for food wheat.  SK’s KFA bought 60,000 tons of corn.  A Bloomberg poll looks for weekly US ethanol production to be down 4,000 barrels (1050-1077 range) from
the previous week and stocks up 189,000 barrels to 20.149 million. Malaysian palm futures traded sharply lower.  Outside markets are mixed.  Traders will be watching for comments stemming from the Biden-Putin meeting this morning.




short term GFS weather outlook also looks wetter for key summer growing states experiencing drought.  Second day of the US precipitation outlook (Friday) increased rain into the upper Midwest.  1-7 day precipitation is not as wet as yesterday’s forecast. 
Day 2 precipitation below.  Note the European models are drier. 


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WEDNESDAY (released yesterday)


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Weather, Inc.


  • U.S.
    weather expectations remain mostly the same as Wednesday – as far as this forecaster is concerned
    • Rain
      is expected in much of the Midwest Corn Belt over the next ten days with western and far northern areas seeing the lightest precipitation with the most limited benefit
    • Areas
      from eastern Iowa and southern Wisconsin into Ohio may experience the greatest rainfall during this period of time
    • Temperatures
      will be cool enough to reduce evaporative moisture losses and support crops favorably
      • However,
        the western fringes of the Corn Belt, the northern Plains and far northernmost Corn Belt may not do nearly as well with rainfall as other areas
  • Canada’s
    western and northern Prairies will be in the best condition for a while, but rain will be needed in the south soon
  • Western
    India should be on everyone’s radar if limited rainfall prevails into July as suggested
    • Areas
      from Gujarat and Rajasthan into Maharashtra and western Madhya Pradesh can be drier biased in June and not be a huge deal, but continued poor monsoon performance in July would be interpreted differently for many producers and traders following cotton, soybeans
      and groundnuts
    • Interior
      Western India has not seen good rainfall very often this month, but it is still early
  • Concern
    about Sukhovei conditions in western Kazakhstan, eastern portions of Russia’s Southern Region and lower Volga River Basin remains today
    • The
      Sukhovei that occurs in this first week of the outlook is weak and impacts a small part of the region’s crops
    • The
      real concern is over the potential for the hot, dry, wind to persist into a second week – that would result in a larger area being potentially impacted and a greater impact for those dealing with warm and dry conditions in this first week of the forecast
  • Relief
    from dryness in southeastern Russia’s New Lands and eastern portions of northern Kazakhstan’s wheat and sunseed areas is still expected in this coming week, but western parts of the region will not get as much relief
  • China
    weather is looking very good with most of the dryness from earlier this month now relieved
  • Australia
    will see a good mix of weather during the next ten days, especially in the eat bringing support for better wheat, barley and canola establishment in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia as well as some southeastern Queensland locations
    •  Greater
      rain is still needed though in Queensland and South Australia in particular
  • Western
    Russia, Ukraine and Europe weather still looks to be good over the next ten days
  • No
    threatening cold is expected in Brazil’s grain, sugar or coffee production areas during the next two weeks
  • Rain
    is needed in greater quantities in east-central Africa coffee and cocoa production areas
  • Southeast
    Asia weather has been mostly favorable of late and little change is expected
  • Argentina
    still needs rain in wheat production areas, although crops are in much better shape than last year

World Weather, Inc.


Ag Calendar

June 16:

  • EIA
    weekly U.S. ethanol inventories, production
  • FT
    Commodities Global Summit, day 2
  • Australia’s
    Abares to release agricultural commodities report
  • Brazil’s
    Unica may release cane crush, sugar production data (tentative)
    oilseed conference, Chengdu, China, Day 1

June 17:

  • USDA
    weekly crop net-export sales for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, pork, beef, 8:30am
  • Port
    of Rouen data on French grain exports
  • Itau
    webinar on agribusiness outlook, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    oilseed conference, Chengdu, China, Day 2

June 18:

  • ICE
    Futures Europe weekly commitments of traders report (6:30pm London)
  • CFTC
    commitments of traders weekly report on positions for various U.S. futures and options, 3:30pm
  • China
    customs to publish trade data, including imports of corn, wheat, sugar and pork
  • World
    coffee market report by USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service, 3pm
  • FranceAgriMer
    weekly update on crop conditions
  • USDA
    Total Milk Production

Bloomberg and FI







Housing Starts May: 1572K (est 1630K; prevR 1517K; prev 1569K)

Housing Starts (M/M) May: 3.6% (est 3.9%; prevR -12.1%; prev -9.5%)

Building Permits May: 1681K (est 1730K; prevR 1733K; prev 1760K)

Building Permits (M/M) May: -3.0% (est -0.2%; prevR -1.3%; prev 0.3%)







  • Malaysian
    palm oil:

  • Yesterday
    NOPA reported a
    than expected US May soybean crush and a decline in end of May soybean oil stocks.  Look for USDA to leave its US crush estimate unchanged next month and possible take SBO down 25-50 million pounds if they decide to again upward revise domestic demand. 


Fuel Annual Standards – EPA Annual Volume Standards

are under the opinion proposed and final (set later this year) will be mostly unchanged for diesel and conventual.




  • There
    is talk of US soybean meal business yesterday, but no confirmation. 
  • USDA’s
    CCC program seeks 25,000 tons of soybean meal for Bangladesh and 8,000 tons for Cambodia on June 17 for July 15-25 shipment.
  • Today
    USDA seeks 1,180 tons of packaged vegetable oil for export donation for July 16-Aug 15 shipment. 





  • *Egypt
    retendered for wheat that includes shipment bids after cancelling their import tender yesterday.  Lowest offer yesterday was $250.88 a ton for 60,000 tons of Russian wheat but it was cancelled due to high freight prices.  There were at least 19 offers on Tuesday. 
  • *Iran
    seeks 60,000 tons of milling wheat for July and August shipment. 
  • *The
    lowest offer for Bangladesh in for 50,000 tons of wheat was $335/ton CIF.
  • *Japan
    received no offers for 80,000 tons of feed wheat and 100,000 tons of barley under its SBS import system, for arrival in Japan by November 25. 
  • Japan
    seeks 207,472 tons of food wheat. 

  • The
    Philippines seeks 205,000 tons of milling wheat for Aug/Sep shipment. 
  • Jordan
    seeks 120,000 tons of wheat on June 22 for December shipment. 
  • Jordan
    is back in for feed barley on June 23 for Nov/Dec shipment. 



(Bloomberg) — National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration will release state reserves of metals including copper, aluminum and zinc in batches, according to a statement from the administration.


Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International
One Lincoln Center
18 W 140 Butterfield Rd.

Oakbrook Terrace, Il. 60181

W: 312.604.1366



Skype: fi.treilly


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