PDF attached




reports today.  Attached is our FI convenience table.  (Trade estimates for Reuters in the smaller table below was corrected for corn and soybean plantings.)


trade in most CBOT agriculture markets on positioning ahead of the USDA reports. US weather outlook for the Great Plains and Midwest appears to be unchanged from yesterday.  The Delta saw favorable rains.  For the Midwest, rains will fall across the southern
and eastern areas today and Thursday. Dry weather prevails Friday through Sunday. 
weather concerns continue with cold temperatures recorded again this morning impacting corn, coffee and sugarcane.  First Notice Day deliveries were 427 for soybean oil, little higher than expected and included ADM issuing 427.  Marx stopped 268.  Soybean
deliveries were 13 with no apparent commercial stoppers.  There were no meal deliveries, as expected. 








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  • Frost
    and freezes occurred in Brazil this morning impacting wheat, corn, coffee, sugarcane and some citrus areas.
    • Most
      of the cold in coffee, citrus and sugarcane areas was not serious enough to induce permanent damage, but some leaf damage likely resulted.
  • The
    first week of the U.S. outlook is dry biased in much of the Corn And Soybean Belt excepting the Ohio River Basin where rain will occur through Thursday.
  • Temperatures
    will get hotter in eastern Canada’s Prairies and the northern U.S. Plains over the next few days.
  • Accelerated
    drying in the northern Plains and upper Midwest is expected because of warm and dry conditions
  • Rain
    advertised for mid-week next week in the northern Plains and upper Midwest may be overdone, although some rainfall is expected
    • The
      precipitation will be extremely important after the coming week of dry and warm conditions
      • Dryness
        will be expanding as will crop stress in the region
  • Rain
    will continue frequently in the southern U.S. Plains, Delta and southeastern states during the coming week and some concern over unharvested wheat quality remains in the southern Plains.
  • Concern
    remains over drying in a small part of southeastern Europe including the region from the eastern Adriatic Sea into Hungary and western Slovakia
  • Another
    excessively hot and dry day occurred Tuesday in Kazakhstan Tuesday with extreme highs of 100 to 110 Fahrenheit
    • Some
      of the heat bled over the border into a few southern Russia New Lands crop areas with extreme highs to 108
    • Greater
      crop stress is impacting these areas, but cooling is expected with “some” showers
      • Greater
        rain will be needed
  • A
    new ridge of high pressure evolves in northwestern Russia late next week and expands over most of western Russia through Jul 15 making rain that falls in this coming week extremely important to those areas impacted by last week’s warm and dry bias
  • China
    will remain plenty wet
  • Northeastern
    Xinjiang weather will continue variable with some improvement expected for a little while before more rain and cooling occurs late next week
  • Australia
    is expecting good balance of showers and sunshine
  • Western
    parts of South Africa continue to get periodic rain resulting in well-established wheat in the region
  • Improving
    rainfall is expected in mainland areas of Southeast Asia (including Thailand) in the second week of July
  • India’s
    rainfall will continue very limited in the northwest through the next ten days
    • This
      includes Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab

World Weather, Inc.


Ag Calendar

June 30:

  • EIA
    weekly U.S. ethanol inventories, production
  • U.S.
    acreage data for corn, wheat, soybeans and cotton; quarterly grain stockpiles
  • Bloomberg
    New Economy Catalyst; climate and agriculture
  • Malaysia
    June 1-30 palm oil export data
  • U.S.
    agricultural prices paid, received

July 1:

  • USDA
    weekly crop net-export sales for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, pork, beef, 8:30am
  • World
    cotton outlook update from International Cotton Advisory Committee
  • Costa
    Rica, Honduras monthly coffee exports
  • U.S.
    corn for ethanol, DDGS production, 3pm
  • USDA
    soybean crush, 3pm
  • Port
    of Rouen data on French grain exports
  • Australia
    Commodity Index
  • AB
    Sugar trading update
    Canada, Hong Kong

July 2:

  • ICE
    Futures Europe weekly commitments of traders report (6:30pm London)
  • CFTC
    commitments of traders weekly report on positions for various U.S. futures and options, 3:30pm
  • FranceAgriMer
    weekly update on crop conditions
  • Source:
    Bloomberg and FI

Bloomberg and FI









ADP Employment Change Jun: 692K (est 600K; prevR 886K; prev 978K)

Crude Oil Seen Averaging USD67.48/Barrel In 2021 Versus USD64.79 In May – RTRS Poll






of I: Historical Relationships Suggest Rising Corn Seed Costs for 2022









  • Malaysian
    palm oil:



  • Results
    awaited: Iran in for 60,000 tons of soybean meal for Aug/Sep shipment. 






  • South
    Korean flour mills bought around 77,000 tons of milling wheat from the United States for shipment between Sept. 1 and Sept. 30.
    • 50,000
      tons consisted of 25,760 tons of soft white wheat of 11% protein at an estimated $312.77 a ton, 1,210 tons of soft white wheat of 9% protein bought at $367.88 a ton, 5,430 tons of hard red winter of 11.5% protein bought at $283.65 a ton and 17,600 tons of
      northern spring wheat of 14% minimum protein bought at $343.36 a ton.
    • Another
      27,000 tons included 5,500 tons of soft white wheat of 11% protein, 1,100 tons of soft white wheat of 9% protein and 7,800 tons of hard red winter of 11.5% protein (same prices as above).  12,600 tons of northern spring wheat of 14% minimum protein at $345.20
      a ton.
  • Tunisia
    bought about 100,000 tons of soft wheat and 100,000 tons of barley on Wednesday, optional origin.  One wheat consignment at $281.94 a ton c&f and one at $277.94 a ton c&f.  Barley went for $269.98, $270.48, 271.48 a ton c&f and $271.94 a ton c&f. 
  • Thailand
    passed on up to 197,700 tons of feed wheat, set for five consignments for shipment between Aug and Dec.  Prices were regarded as too high. Lowest offer was estimated at $291 to $292 a ton c&f for about 58,000 tons for August/September shipment. 
  • Turkey
    saw offers for 395,000 tons of milling wheat.  Lowest price was $262.85 a ton c&f, Ukraine origin likely.  Shipment in the tender is sought between July 19 and Aug. 21.
  • Bangladesh’s
    seeks 50,000 tons of milling wheat on July 15.
  • Results
    awaited: Iran seeks 60,000 tons of milling wheat on Wednesday for Aug/Sep shipment.
  • Jordan
    retendered for 120,000 tons of feed barley set to close July 7 for Nov/Dec 2021 shipment. 
  • Jordan
    retendered for 120,000 tons of wheat set to close July 6 for Jan/Feb 2022 shipment. 
  • Ethiopia
    seeks 400,000 tons of wheat on July 19. 



  • Bangladesh
    seeks 50,000 tons of rice from India.



Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International
One Lincoln Center
18 W 140 Butterfield Rd.

Oakbrook Terrace, Il. 60181

W: 312.604.1366



Skype: fi.treilly


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