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note I will be out the balance of the week, attending the AFOA conference in Nashville. 


trade across the board on technical buying.  The USD is lower and WTI higher.  Outside markets were mixed. Paris rapeseed was up 8 euros or 1.24% and Paris wheat up 4.00 euros or 1.5%.  There was some commercial buying yesterday.  A Bloomberg poll looks for
weekly US ethanol production to be up 7,000 barrels (969-995 range) from the previous week and stocks down 97,000 barrels to 19.931 million.





Weather Inc.


  • Argentina
    is back to a drier bias today after rain fell Wednesday.
  • Brazil
    will experience a good mix of rain and sunshine through the weekend and then most of next week will be drier biased in southern parts of the nation.
  • The
    next more active period of weather for southern Brazil will be after October 23.
  • Brazil’s
    bottom line remains very good for coffee, citrus and sugarcane development and for the advancement of corn, soybean, rice, cotton and other crop planting.
  • U.S.
    harvest weather will improve over the coming ten days with only brief periods of rain and more abundant periods of sunshine expected.
  • The
    environment will be better for supporting harvest progress.
  • U.S.
    hard red winter wheat areas will trend drier for a while, but recent rain has supported good planting and emergence conditions.
  • Recent
    rain and snow in the northern Plains was a boon to winter wheat emergence and establishment in some areas, but Montana and central parts of Canada’s Prairies are still too dry. 
  • Europe
    and northern Russia weather will trend more active in the next ten days while southern wheat areas in Russia and across Ukraine are dry biased for a while.
  • Rain
    in Europe’s Balkan Countries will end this weekend after a significant turnaround in soil conditions. Northern China will be drier biased for a while improving harvest conditions
  • Australia
    will see a good mix of weather supporting its reproducing winter crops. 
  • One
    to two inches of rain fell across parts of North Dakota and southern Manitoba, Canada Wednesday and overnight
  • Snowfall
    reached 27 inches in Black Hills of South Dakota Wednesday, 15 inches in southeastern Montana and 1 to 5 inches in far westernmost parts of North Dakota
  • Wind
    speeds gusted to more than 50 mph in the northern U.S. Plains Wednesday in association with the rain and snow event
  • Tropical
    Depression Kompasu was moving into northern Vietnam today and will produce some heavy rainfall
  • Another
    tropical disturbance will produce excessive rain along the central Vietnam coast Friday through Monday with amounts of 4.00 to 15.00 inches resulting in some serious flooding
  • Excessive
    rain is expected to develop along the lower coast of Myanmar Friday and advance up the entire west coast Saturday through Monday producing 5.00 to more than 12.00 inches of rain and resulting in serious flooding
    • Damage
      to rice and some sugarcane will be possible
    • Some
      of the greatest rain will occur in the important rice production region in Irrawaddy and Yangon
  • Less
    rain was suggested for Bangladesh in the coming week because of the shift eastward in the greatest rainfall impacting Myanmar


Ag Calendar

Oct. 14:

  • USDA
    weekly crop net-export sales for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, pork, and beef, 8:30am
  • EIA
    weekly U.S. ethanol inventories, production
  • Port
    of Rouen data on French grain exports
  • North
    America cocoa grindings
  • Suedzucker
    half-year earnings
  • Agrana
    half-year earnings
    Hong Kong

Oct. 15:

  • ICE
    Futures Europe weekly commitments of trader’s report (6:30pm London)
  • CFTC
    commitments of trader’s weekly report on positions for various U.S. futures and options, 3:30pm
  • U.S.
    monthly data on green coffee stockpiles
  • Malaysia
    Oct. 1-15 palm oil exports
  • FranceAgriMer
    weekly update on crop conditions

Bloomberg and FI








higher this morning after trading at a three-week low earlier this week.  WTI is higher. 

The US Midwestern centra and southeastern areas will see rain today, and southern and eastern areas Friday. 

Germany reported a case of atypical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in a cow in south of the country.

A Bloomberg poll looks for weekly US ethanol production to be up 7,000 barrels (969-995 range) from the previous week and stocks down 97,000 barrels to 19.931 million.

USDA FSA Acreage is delayed.  When updated, it will be posted here



  • Turkey
    bought 325,000 tons of animal feed corn, optional origin for shipment between Nov. 15 and Dec. 6.  Prices ranged from $307.40 to $319.25/ton. 




Soybeans are higher on technical buying and higher Paris rapeseed prices.  Soybean oil was unchanged to moderately higher and meal higher despite a mixed trade overnight in global related product markets.

A Reuters poll calls for the NOPA September US crush at 155.1 million bushels, down 2.4% from 158.8 million bushels processed in August and down 4% from September 2020.  Soybean oil stocks were pegged at 1.663 billion pounds,
down 0.3% from 1.668 billion at the end of August. 

UK’s AgMin sees the rapeseed crop down 5.9% at 977,000 tons.  The planted area decreased 20% and average yield was 3.2 tons/hectare vs. 2.7 year earlier. 

Australia may see a record canola crop of 5 million tons, a welcome relief for producers that have been impacted by China’s tariffs on Australian barley. 

Malaysia maintained its November export tax for crude palm oil at 8% but increased the reference price, to 4,523.29 ringgit ($1,088.64) per ton for November. October reference price was 4,472.46 ringgit a ton.

Malaysian palm oil futures

Rotterdam meal and oil values were mixed. 

Offshore values are leading soybean oil 118 points lower and meal $0.30/short ton lower. 

China cash crush margins were last 219 cents/bu (224 previous) on our analysis versus 187 cents late last week and 97 cents around a year ago. 




  • Under
    the USDA 24-hour announcement system, private exporters reported sales of:
    • 132,000
      metric tons of soybeans for delivery to unknown during the 2021/2022 marketing year.





US wheat is higher from dry weather expected for the US HRW wheat country, a lower USD and light technical buying.  

December Paris wheat was 4.00 euros higher earlier at 268.75 euros a ton.

US hard red winter wheat areas will trend drier for at least more than a week, good for harvest progress but bad for recently emerged wheat. 

China raised their minimum prices for wheat in 2022 at 2,300 yuan ($357) per ton, up from 2,260 yuan per ton in 2021. 



Jordan bought 60,000 tons of barley at $329.75 a ton, including cost and freight, for shipment during LH January. 

Jordan seeks 120,000 tons of wheat on October 20.

Results awaited: Jordan seeks 120,000 tons of wheat. 

Japan bought 119,512 tons of food wheat on Thursday for arrival by January 31. 

Pakistan’s lowest offer for 90,000 tons of optional origin wheat was $388.83 a ton c&f. 

Turkey seeks 300,000 tons of wheat on Oct. 21 for shipment between Dec. 10 and Dec. 31. 

Ethiopia seeks 300,000 tons of milling wheat on November 9.



Mauritius seeks 6,000 tons of white rice on October 26 for January 1-March 31 shipment. 




Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International
One Lincoln Center
18 W 140 Butterfield Rd.

Suite 1450

Oakbrook Terrace, Il. 60181

W: 312.604.1366



Skype: fi.treilly


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