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was slightly lower, WTI crude oil higher and US equity futures mixed. CBOT ag markets are mixed to lower. A recovery in US energy prices is supporting soybean oil while meal is trading down sharply from a forecast calling for rain across Argentina this weekend.
Soybeans and grains are lower. Look for a choppy trade this week. There were no major global export developments reported over the weekend.











seven days


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Weather, INC.


  • Extremely
    cold temperatures impacting central parts of North America during mid- to late-week this week will bring all kinds of problems
    • Blizzard
      conditions are likely from the central U.S. Plains to the Great Lakes region Wednesday night into Saturday
    • Extreme
      low temperatures in the -30s and -20s are likely in the northern Plain
    • Subzero-degree
      low temperatures will occur southward to the Texas Panhandle northern Oklahoma, central Illinois and northern Indiana
    • Freezes
      will occur southward to the central Gulf of Mexico Coast
    • Sugarcane
      will experience notable freezes in Louisiana
    • Citrus
      areas in Florida will be exposed to some frost and freezes, although it is unclear whether there is a viable threat to the crop yet
    • Wind
      speeds gusting between 30 and 60 mph will occur with the blizzard from eastern Nebraska and eastern Kansas through Iowa and northern Missouri to the Great Lakes region
    • Snowfall
      will range from 4 to 12 inches with a band of much greater snowfall
    • Considerable
      blowing and drifting of snow is expected
    • Wind
      chill warnings are likely to be issued and frost bite potentials will rise greatly
    • A
      huge increase in energy demand is expected in the central U.S. for a few days beginning Wednesday and lasting into the weekend
    • Cold
      air in the eastern United States is expected to be brief and not as potent as that in the central states
    • Livestock
      stress will be very high in the western Corn and soybean production areas
  • Argentina
    will get some needed rain Thursday night into Sunday bringing relief to recent drying
  • Argentina’s
    second week weather outlook is more unstable than that advertised last week which implies additional opportunities for rain
  • Some
    of the rain from Argentina will reach into southern Brazil and Paraguay, but the relief from dryness will be a little erratic leaving some areas with ongoing need for more rain
  • Southern
    Brazil reported rain Sunday resulting in some improved topsoil moisture after recent drying, but much more rain will be needed
  • Northern
    Brazil is still expected to become to wet this week in southern Tocantins, southwestern Bahia, northern Minas Gerais, northern Goias and in a few locations in northern and eastern Mato Grosso
  • Eastern
    Europe received its second major winter storm during the weekend further burying the region from southern Germany and northern Italy to western Russia and parts of western and northern Ukraine in very heavy snow
    • Transportation
      delays resulted and livestock concerns have been high
  • Europe
    will be trending warmer this week
  • No
    bitter cold will impact Asia or Europe in the coming week
  • Australia,
    China and India weather has not changed from that of Friday

World Weather INC


Ag Calendar

Dec. 19:

  • USDA
    export inspections – corn, soybeans, wheat, 11am
  • MARS
    monthly report on EU crop conditions
  • USDA’s
    total milk production, 3am

Dec. 20:

  • China’s
    third batch of November trade data, including soy, corn and pork imports by country
  • New
    Zealand global dairy trade auction
  • EU
    weekly grain, oilseed import and export data
  • Malaysia’s
    Dec. 1-20 palm oil exports

Dec. 21:

  • EIA
    weekly US ethanol inventories, production, 10:30am
  • Weekly
    USDA Broiler Report

Dec. 22:

  • USDA
    weekly net-export sales for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, pork and beef, 8:30am
  • US
    cold storage data for beef, pork and poultry, 3pm
  • US
    red meat production, poultry slaughter, 3pm
  • Port
    of Rouen data on French grain exports
  • Sugar,
    cane and ethanol production data by Brazil’s Conab (tentative)

Dec. 23:

  • ICE
    Futures Europe weekly commitments of traders report, 1:30pm (6:30pm London)
  • CFTC
    commitments of traders weekly report on positions for various US futures and options, 3:30pm
  • USDA
    hogs and pigs inventory, cattle on feed, 3pm

Dec. 26:

    US, UK, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, several other countries
  • CBOT
    hard open for nighttime session

Dec. 27:

  • Malaysia
    Dec. 1-25 palm oil exports
    UK, Australia, Hong Kong

Dec. 28:

  • Weekly
    USDA Broiler Report

Dec. 29:

  • EIA
    weekly US ethanol inventories, production, 10:30am
  • Vietnam’s
    general statistics department releases monthly coffee, rice and rubber export data

Dec. 30:

  • USDA
    weekly net-export sales for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, pork and beef, 8:30am
  • CFTC
    commitments of traders weekly report on positions for various US futures and options, 3:30pm
  • ICE
    Futures Europe weekly commitment of traders report, 1:30pm (6:30pm London)

Dec. 31:

  • Malaysia’s
    Dec. 1-31 palm oil export data by cargo surveyor AmSpec

Bloomberg and FI










Commitment of Traders

and commercials changed their tune for the week ending December 13, exception soybean oil and wheat. There were no major surprises to the fund positions. For soybeans, traditional funds were a little more long than expected and Chicago wheat 11,000 contracts
more short than what the trade estimated.





PPI (M/M) Nov: -0.4% (est -0.4%; prev 2.4%)

PPI (Y/Y) Nov: 9.7% (prev 10.1%)

Raw Materials Prices (M/M) Nov: -0.8% (est -1.3%; prev 1.3%)

Raw Materials Prices (Y/Y) Nov: 8.0% (prevR 8.6%)




CBOT corn futures
Monday morning in part to lower soybeans and wheat as weather forecasts pumped some rain for Argentina this upcoming weekend. 

Coceral sees a larger grain production for UK and EU, combined, for 2023, to 304.4 million tons for 2023 from a forecast of 285.1 million in 2022. Soft wheat alone was estimated to increase to 143.2 MMT from 140.7 million in 2022.

January options expire Friday.

Southern Brazil corn crop prospects are falling. StoneX estimated Brazil’s southern state of RGDS corn crop at 4.51 million tons (early crop), down from 5.38 million previous. Recall Conab cut corn production for several southern
states, for the first crop, in their latest supply update.

China corn imports during November were 740,000 tons, down 5.8% from year ago. YTD are down 26.9 percent to 19.75 million tons.  The steep decrease for imports is not alarming given the stats bureau reported a larger production
that CASDE.



None reported




CBOT soybeans are lower following weakness in soybean meal related to Argentina precipitation forecasts for this upcoming weekend. SBO is higher on product spreading and higher energy prices. Not much has changed fundamentally
and traders are likely watching SA weather.

Dorab Mistry sees Malaysia’s palm oil production around 19 million tons for 2023 and Indonesia output to increase 1.5 million tons.  The Malaysian palm stocks are expected to fall below 2 million tons by the end of Q1 2023. Prices
were estimated in a range of 3,500 and 5,000 ringgit per ton from now until the end of May.

Indonesia’s November Palm Oil Exports Fall 13.5% M/m: Intertek  (Bloomberg) — Exports fell to 2.7 million tons in Nov. from 3.1 million tons shipped in the previous month, cargo surveyor Intertek Testing Services says in an emailed

(Bloomberg) — India’s oilmeal exports rose to 407,193 tons in November from 213,154 tons in October, according to the Solvent Extractors’ Association of India.

  • Rapeseed
    meal exports rose to 134,952 tons from 98,571 tons in October
  • Soymeal
    exports rose to 164,075 tons from 40,196 tons in October
  • Rice-bran
    extract exports rose to 55,888 tons from 34,305 tons in October

February Malaysia palm oil was up 11 ringgit to 3929 and cash down $2.50/ton at $940.

China soybean futures were up 0.3%, meal 0.9% lower, soybean oil 1.6% lower and palm down 1.0%.

Rotterdam vegetable oils were

5-20 euros higher from early Friday morning. Rotterdam meal were 1-3 euros lower

Offshore values were leading SBO lower by about 16 points earlier this morning and meal $1.30 short ton higher.



Turkey seeks 24,000 tons of crude sunflower oil on December 23 for delivery between January 2 and February 15, 2023.



US wheat futures are lower after additional ships were able to disembark Ukraine despite lack of power for several areas across the country.

Paris March wheat was lower 1.50 euro earlier at 296.00 euros a ton.

Egypt is looking at measures to cool inflation for food. Reuters noted “Egypt’s annual headline inflation hit 18.7% in November, according to official data, while core inflation, which strips out more volatile items, reached 21.5%.”

Egypt wheat stocks are sufficient for 4.8 months. Nearly 4 million tons were imported so Far in 2022.

Iraq’s trade ministry said they have enough wheat sufficient for 2 months of consumption. 460,000 tons is currently monthly consumptions. Look for them to float additional import tenders.

Russia’s currency fell 2.9% at one point on Monday, a signal exports could increase for countries that can still finance grain shipments.



Results awaited: Iraq seeks 50,000 tons of milling wheat on Sunda, December 18.



(Bloomberg) — The Philippines will import around 2.5 million tons of rice next year, smaller than the 2022 purchases as local harvests improve, an agriculture official said.

South Korea’s Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp. seeks 83,672 tons of rice from the United States for arrival in South Korea in 2023 between Feb. 1 and June 30. 

Bangladesh seeks 50,000 tons of rice on December 21 for shipment with 40 days of contract signing.

Bangladesh also seeks 50,000 tons of rice on December 27.



Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International
One Lincoln Center
18 W 140 Butterfield Rd.

Oakbrook Terrace, Il. 60181

W: 312.604.1366



Skype: fi.treilly


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