From: Wagner, Jonathan
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:49:04 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
To: Wagner, Jonathan
Subject: Enterprise to Offer Dual Direction Service on Seaway Legacy Pipe

(Bloomberg) — Enterprise Products Partners through its subsidiary plans to offer dual direction service on its Seaway Legacy line from May until further notice, according to person familiar with the matter.

Co. plans to ship from its station in Katy, Texas, which is on its Seaway system

Katy terminal connects to Seaway Legacy system, person says

Seaway Legacy pipe has a capacity of 400k b/d while Seaway Twin can ship 450k b/d of oil

Seaway system is jointly owned by Enterprise and Enbridge

Seaway Legacy reversed to flow southward in 2012

On Monday, subsidiary Enterprise Interstate Crude said in filing to regulators that it planned to start a temporary service using leased pipeline capacity after receiving interest from at least one shipper to move oil inland to America’s biggest storage hub


Jonathan Wagner

Ion Energy Group

180 Maiden Lane 25th Floor

New York, NY  10005

Direct: 212-709-2261

Cell: 914-843-6986




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