From: Terry Reilly
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2018 3:19:52 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Subject: FI Grain Comments 07/04/18

Files attached and reported below: OI, registrations, deliveries, selected weather maps, settlements, news, funds


Busy 24-hours. Algeria buys wheat, China futures end mostly lower for oilseed complex, corn near unchanged


  • China cash margins fell 13 cents to 63 cents, on our analyses.
  • Brazil soybean meal values slipped $3-4/ton when imported into Rotterdam
  • Rotterdam veg oil were near unchanged
  • Paris wheat hit a three week high on July 4.
  • Offshore values as of July 4 were leading soybean oil 15 higher and meal $0.50/short ton higher.

·         China said they will not impose tariffs against the US until the US decides to pull the trigger.

  • Baltic Dry Index was up 91 points on Wednesday to 1,567, or 6.2%, to a six month high.
  • Reuters noted “high water levels restricted navigation and limited barge tow sizes on the Mississippi River. High waters also prevented some elevators on northern stretches of the river from loading barges.”

·         China sold 283,559 tons of 2013 soybeans out of reserves at an average price of 3028 yuan per ton ($457.08/ton), 56.7 percent of the 500,000 tons offered. China sold 660,524 tons of soybeans out of reserves so far, this season.

·         China sold 29,817 tons of 2011 soybean oil out of reserves at an average price of 5002 yuan per ton ($753.68/ton), 50.9 percent of the 50,000 tons offered.

  • The EU awarded 10,150 tons of wheat import quotas and 3,500 tons of barley import quotas.
  • Russia’s AgMin increased their forecast for 2018-19 to 40-45 from previous 35-40 million tons. They left their crop estimate of 100 million tons unchanged.
  • A Reuters poll calls for the Black Sea wheat exports to fall 11 percent to 58.8 million tons, and leave Russia as the world largest exporter at 35 million tons. Ukraine was polled at 16 million and Kazakhstan at 7.8 million tons. The combined crop of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan is expected to decline by 12.6 percent to 110.8 million tons of wheat in 2018, the Reuters article added.
  • The Czech grain harvest is seen at 6.3 million tons, down 8.2 percent from last season.
  • Algeria bought about 600,000 optional origin milling wheat at $234-$237/ton for September shipment.
  • Japan in a SBS import tender bought 27,210 tons of feed wheat and 38,180 tons of barley for arrival by December 28. 
  • Japan in a SBS import tender seeks 120,000 tons of feed wheat and 200,000 tons of barley on July 11 for arrival by December 28. 
  • Japan seeks 79,770 tons of food wheat on Thursday. Original details of the tender as follows:

·         Jordan canceled their import tender for 120,000 tons of barley for Oct-Nov shipment.

  • China sold 3,000 tons of 2013 imported wheat from state reserves at auction at an average price of 2370 yuan/per ton or $358.08/ton, 0.2 percent of what was offered.

·         China plans to launch a GMO labeling investigation on cooking oils.

·         Brazil producers are suing a large seed company over a patent’s validity to collect 800 million reais ($204 million) in royalties.

·         India raised their government set purchase prices for several crops, by most since at least 2014. They are rising about 25 percent compares to previous increases of 3-4 percent in the last three years. Some warned this could hurt India’s economy.


July 3-4 China and other settlements after the maps (below)



·         Oats down 40 to 186 contracts

·         Soybeans down 303 to 1,719 (303 taken out of Chicago-CIRM)

·         Rice down 59 to 401

·         KC wheat down 2 to 294














DJ Euronext Closing Wheat Futures – Jul 4

Source: Euronext


Paris-based milling wheat in Euros a metric tonne as quoted on the

Euronext at the official close.


Contract  Last Change    High     Low  Settle

Sep ’18 183.50   1.00  184.00  182.50  183.50

Dec ’18 186.50   1.00  187.00  185.50  186.50

Mar ’19 189.50   1.25  189.75  188.25  189.50

May ’19 191.00   1.00  191.00  190.25  191.00

Sep ’19 186.50   0.25  187.25  186.50  186.50

Dec ’19 189.00   0.00  190.00  187.00  189.00

Mar ’20 192.00   1.25  192.00  192.00  192.00

May ’20 191.50  -1.50  193.00  188.50  191.50

Sep ’20 187.75  -0.25  188.00  187.75  187.75

Dec ’20 190.00   0.00  190.00  190.00  190.00

Mar ’21 196.50   1.00  196.50  196.50  196.50

May ’21 196.50   1.00  196.50  196.50  196.50


NOTE: It is possible for a settlement price to fall outside the daily high

and low due to an exchange’s specific rules on how a settlement price

is determined.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires 



DJ Rotterdam Soymeal Prices – Jul 04

HAMBURG (Dow Jones)–Lowest known offers in USD/t.

At local time 11:30 GMT.


Argentine Soy Pellets 49 % Profat


              Afl. unq

Loco            409.00    unch

Jul 18          405.00    unch

Aug-Sep 18      407.00    unch

Oct-Dec 18      419.00    unch

Jan-Mar 19      414.00    unch

Apr-Sep 19      395.00    unch


Brazilian Soy Pellets 48% Profat


Afl.            404.00   -3.00

Loco            408.00   -4.00

Jul 18          404.00   -3.00

Aug-Sep 18      404.00   -3.00

Oct-Dec 18      413.00   -4.00

Jan-Mar 19      400.00   -5.00

Apr-Sep 19      380.00   -3.00


Soy Pellets, 49% max 3,5%

fibre, 13,5% moisture


Jul 18          408.00   -1.00

Aug 18          407.00   -1.00

Sep 18          407.00   -1.00

Oct 18          410.00   -1.00

Nov 18-Jan 19   416.00   -1.00

Nov 18-Apr 19   414.00   -1.00

May-Oct 19      397.00    unch



DJ Rotterdam Soybean Prices – Jul 04

HAMBURG (Dow Jones)–Lowest known offers in USD/t

At local time 11:30 GMT.


USA, U.S. Gulf                          Brazil, northern ports

Rotterdam,USD/t,CIF                     Rotterdam,USD/t,CIF

Jul 18          374.00   +1.00          Jul 18          402.00   -1.75

Aug 18          378.25   +1.50          Aug 18             unq

Oct-Nov 18      374.75   +1.50          Apr 19             unq

Dec 18          380.00   +1.25          May 19             unq

                                        Jun 19             unq



DJ Algeria Buys 660,000 Tons of Wheat in Tender

By David Hodari

LONDON–Algeria’s state grain agency, the OAIC, purchased around 660,000 metric tons of milling wheat on Wednesday as part of a tender, according to traders. 

The agency doesn’t officially publish details of its tenders, but the price of the wheat cargoes ranged between $234 a ton and $237 a ton including shipping fees, traders said. 

Of the 660,000 tons Algeria reportedly bought, trading houses Bunge, Lecureur, Casillo, and Soufflet each provided 120,000 tons, the traders added. Trading houses Cargill, CAM, and Louis Dreyfus Company each provided 60,000 tons. 

The tender closed Tuesday. The grain is expected to be French and will likely be shipped during September, traders said. 

The price of wheat was last at $4.91 a bushel, with U.S. markets closed for the public holiday.

Write to David Hodari at

(END) Dow Jones Newswires 



DJ China Dalian Grain Futures Closing Prices, Volume – Jul 04

Soybean No. 1


Turnover: 175,342 lots, or 6.44 billion yuan


        Open    High    Low  Close   Prev.  Settle  Ch.      Vol      Open

                                    Settle                        Interest

Jul-18  –          –      –  3,645   3,645   3,645    0        0       126

Sep-18  3,688  3,688  3,628  3,654   3,694   3,659  -35  151,628   181,156

Nov-18  3,727  3,727  3,727  3,727   3,792   3,727  -65        2         8

Jan-19  3,785  3,785  3,738  3,755   3,787   3,763  -24   22,958    80,296

Mar-19  3,713  3,763  3,713  3,763   3,823   3,729  -94        6         4

May-19  3,814  3,862  3,781  3,789   3,830   3,805  -25      740     5,196

Jul-19  –          –      –  3,883   3,908   3,883  -25        0         8

Sep-19  3,890  3,895  3,862  3,862   3,924   3,883  -41        8       206

Nov-19  –          –      –  3,846   3,886   3,846  -40        0        14




Turnover: 390,452 lots, or 7.09 billion yuan


        Open    High    Low  Close   Prev.  Settle  Ch.      Vol      Open

                                    Settle                        Interest

Jul-18  1,754  1,756  1,754  1,756   1,774   1,755  -19    1,924    16,794

Sep-18  1,787  1,790  1,782  1,785   1,784   1,785    1  110,928   550,422

Nov-18  1,816  1,822  1,816  1,819   1,816   1,818    2  203,476    33,350

Jan-19  1,848  1,854  1,843  1,848   1,845   1,847    2   61,238   525,748

Mar-19  1,880  1,884  1,877  1,879   1,878   1,879    1      330     3,628

May-19  1,923  1,927  1,915  1,918   1,916   1,919    3   12,556   106,988




Turnover: 2,929,440 lots, or 92.52 billion yuan


        Open    High    Low  Close   Prev.  Settle  Ch.        Vol       Open

                                    Settle                           Interest

Jul-18  2,980  2,980  2,980  2,980   3,002   2,980  -22         40        260

Aug-18  3,100  3,113  3,084  3,092   3,119   3,096  -23         60        624

Sep-18  3,141  3,164  3,105  3,116   3,148   3,134  -14  1,461,580  1,748,030

Nov-18  3,180  3,206  3,152  3,163   3,200   3,187  -13    395,518    130,176

Dec-18  –          –      –  3,185   3,185   3,185    0          0        362

Jan-19  3,220  3,241  3,183  3,193   3,217   3,212   -5    971,818  1,936,678

Mar-19  3,048  3,073  3,028  3,040   3,053   3,048   -5      1,786      5,570

May-19  2,867  2,877  2,841  2,848   2,872   2,857  -15     98,638    427,120


Palm Oil


Turnover: 335,514 lots, or 16.31 billion yuan


        Open    High    Low  Close   Prev.  Settle  Ch.      Vol      Open

                                    Settle                        Interest

Jul-18  –          –      –  5,106   5,106   5,106    0        0         0

Aug-18  –          –      –  4,978   4,978   4,978    0        0        20

Sep-18  4,860  4,864  4,810  4,812   4,864   4,838  -26  246,750   360,530

Oct-18  4,884  4,884  4,866  4,866   4,882   4,872  -10        6         8

Nov-18  4,954  4,962  4,870  4,884   4,900   4,930   30       16        10

Dec-18  –          –      –  4,972   4,942   4,972   30        0         6

Jan-19  4,932  4,940  4,892  4,892   4,934   4,910  -24   82,470   252,716

Feb-19  4,946  4,946  4,946  4,946   5,028   4,946  -82        4         2

Mar-19  –          –      –  4,980   4,980   4,980    0        0         0

Apr-19  –          –      –  5,074   5,074   5,074    0        0        18

May-19  5,048  5,048  5,010  5,020   5,044   5,026  -18    6,266    26,246

Jun-19  5,078  5,078  5,078  5,078   5,078   5,078    0        2        10


Soybean Oil


Turnover: 318,538 lots, or 17.99 billion yuan


        Open    High    Low  Close   Prev.  Settle  Ch.      Vol      Open

                                    Settle                        Interest

Jul-18  5,412  5,412  5,412  5,412   5,402   5,412   10       32        32

Aug-18  –          –      –  5,504   5,494   5,504   10        0        10

Sep-18  5,608  5,620  5,568  5,580   5,594   5,592   -2  215,432   648,922

Nov-18  –          –      –  5,610   5,610   5,610    0        0        52

Dec-18  –          –      –  5,744   5,744   5,744    0        0        16

Jan-19  5,788  5,796  5,748  5,758   5,774   5,768   -6   92,140   480,024

Mar-19  –          –      –  5,864   5,864   5,864    0        0        64

May-19  5,756  5,760  5,706  5,722   5,740   5,730  -10   10,934    59,934




1) Unit is Chinese yuan a metric ton;

2) Ch. is day’s settlement minus previous settlement;

3) Volume and open interest are in lots;

4) One lot is equivalent to 10 metric tons.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires 


Refined, bleached and deodorized palm oil, FOB, Malaysian ports 
              Offer      Change      Bid        Change   Traded 
Jul           592.50     -05.00      Unquoted    -        - 
Aug           595.00     -02.50      Unquoted    -        - 
Sep           595.00     -02.50      Unquoted    -        - 
Oct/Nov/Dec   597.50     -07.50      Unquoted    -        - 
RBD palm olein, FOB, Malaysian ports 
              Offer      Change      Bid        Change   Traded 
Jul           595.00     -05.00      Unquoted    -        - 
Aug           597.50     -02.50      Unquoted    -        - 
Sep           597.50     -02.50      Unquoted    -        - 
Oct/Nov/Dec   600.00     -07.50      Unquoted    -        - 


July 4 – The Bursa Malaysia benchmark palm oil contract ended down 12 ringgit a ton at 2,313 ringgit ($571)a ton.


Terry Reilly

Senior Commodity Analyst – Grain and Oilseeds

Futures International │190 S LaSalle St., Suite 410│Chicago, IL  60603

W: 312.604.1366

AIM: fi_treilly

ICE IM:  treilly1

Skype: fi.treilly


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